Sunday, October 13, 2013

Wisdom at the crossroads

October 13: The Greek goddess Hecate belongs to this time of year. Hecate was associated with passages and crossroads. Nature is at a her crossroad. Hecate gives wisdom, courage and strength. What wisdom do I need at my crossroads?
princess of cups, Druidcraft Tarot
Druidcraft Tarot
The princess of Cups from The Druidcraft tarot. She is a lovely sweet girl full of dreams and fantasies. She is looking in the cup or she has her eyes closed and is pondering on it. Whatever she does, she’s okay with it. With her bare feet (big ones) firmly on the ground, she is one of the most earthed pages of cups I know. The tree behind her is letting go of her leaves, which connects this card to Fall; a time of release and change.
Dreams and desires appear to become a theme in my daily draws. I think I will take her example and try to meditate more regularly. (Without being harsh when I skip a day J) And while doing so, I’ll try to let go the desperate search for my heart’s desire. Because when I pursue this to strong it might  flee.
I want to release the impatience and letting my heart‘s desire, find me in its own time. I just have to open up in order to receive and in the meantime I’m enjoying where I am: moment by moment by moment…….


  1. yes, moment by moment by moment ....

  2. T-I-M-E (patience) is a four-letter word. :D

    1. This will sound silly,but I don't understand what you mean......

    2. Well, in English, most swear words have four letters. (I won't list examples unless you need some, and I could always email you. Or just turn on my skype and let you listen in when I'm trying to find my keys and glasses in the morning). Sometimes we refer to swearing as 'using 4-letter words'; it's a euphemism for swear words. So to say 'patience is four-letter word' might imply that it's not a word thesycamoretree likes to hear. (Spelling it t-i-m-e).


      I really enjoyed your message about not desperately searching for our heart's desire. That's a lovely one. x

    3. Thanks Eowyn, You've made it very clear to me!!
      Hopefully I will be able to wait for this desire so that it can develop and grow strong :)

  3. Yes! Sometimes when you stop looking...that's when it appears :) I love this card, it's my favorite in the entire deck! I love the autumn scene, the balance of her position, the solemnity...

    1. Yes she is so much more appealing then the guy who is talking with his fish! :D
