October 16: It is said that on the feast day of
Saint Teresa the mosquitoes that have plagued us all summer with their buzz and
itchy bumps have died. What has plagued
me last summer, and will no longer tease me now?
This morning
my daughter and I have received a package in the mail with four oracle decks! We’ve bought them secondhand online for less than
half the retail price. After some bickering and bargaining, she’s got the Shapeshifters
oracle and the Magical fairies oracle, and I've got the Angel daily guidance
oracle and the Magical mermaids and dolphins oracle. I've always wanted to buy one
or two Doreen Virtue oracles. What they miss in layered and in depth meanings
they compensate on a high level with their feel good vibe. I’ve once said to
Magic Mentha: “Often when I pull
comforting cards I sigh, and relax instantly just by seeing them”
Angel daily guidance oracle, Magical mermaids and dolphins oracle
I have to admit they can also bring some really spot on messages to the table.
From the Magical mermaids and dolphins oracle I've got: Accept Heaven's Help
prayed for help, so get out of the way and let Heaven help you"
And from
the Angel daily guidance oracle I've pulled: Listen
your mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything
has been taken care of. Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying
about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation. A quiet mind and body
hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you : Listen.
Lately I've
developed a persona/mask of the strong woman who can do everything herself: I
don’t need help. A month ago my body
resisted this notion and gave me a neck hernia. Okay, I've got it: I do need
help. With this hernia suddenly I had a lot of time on my hands to think an
ponder about what it is I want and desire most in my life. The cards have taught
me that you can’t force this process but rather I have to let it unfold in its
own time.
And then
I've drawn these two cards and I feel loved and supported. Again the cards tell
me not to worry about me finding my greatest desire. Instead they urge me to meditate
and listen. And also I realize that spiritually I don’t have to do everything
by myself either. There are helping energies around us. I firmly believe that. Whether
you call them angels or something else. it is okay to admit you need help