Saturday, October 12, 2013

Filling the well

October 12: These days the sweet chestnuts are falling from the trees. Poor people were fed by those trees for free. Who or what will provide for me?
Dry Desert The Map Colette Baron Reid
The Enchanted Map Oracle
At first sight this card doesn't look very hopeful. It’s Dry Desert from The Enchanted Map Oracle made by Colette Baron Reid. There’s a woman walking in the desert with nothing there but two cactus's and one bird. She is alone there, so who will provide for her. Should she eat from the cactus? Then it hit me. She’s standing tall and confident, her head held high: She is the one who will provide for herself in times of need. This is one of those “Aha” moments you get sometimes when you’re reading cards.
Then I opened the little guidebook and I read:
Dig deep for inspiration and truth. Now is the time to become resilient and adaptable. Is your life presenting you with opportunities that seem to yield nothing? Have your ideas dried up? Does it feel like you’re on an endless journey through a dry, hot, lifeless desert? This card reminds you that there are times when you are meant to become resilient as you journey through harsher circumstances. You’re being required to conserve your energy – until, after consistent effort, you reach the oasis you’re searching for. Consider the creatures that live in these conditions: they have adapted to thrive in spite of the outer environment. In a desert, water, essential for life, can be found deep underground. Go deep within yourself now…find your truth there. Let Spirit sustain you while you locate the real source. Whatever it is you’re asking about will not be found in the conditions you’re in until you move past the surface of things and choose to do the real work and discover the answers deep within you. This may not seem like the most productive time but looks are deceiving. This is a most important place to find what is truly right for you.
So it all comes down to this: I have to take care of myself in times of need. Inside me I have resources not yet discovered. To stay in the scenery of this card there is a well inside where I can drink and be filled with strength and intuition which will guide me to the meadow, the forest, to anywhere but here
I’ve been in the desert several times already but never it was so dry and barren as last time. Although I didn’t know it at the time those inner resources have pulled me through. Now I know that every time you’re in the desert you learn and adapt to survive and you become more flexible and resilient and your higher self knows that there’s always an oasis to be found.

Today I’m going to fill my inner well with some meditation and reading. You never know when you’ll need it. My daughters boyfriend is making coffee; for now he provides for me. J


  1. I love this card and the strength I feel from this woman. She reminds me of my own strength and to remember how strong I am. Seems she speaks to you in a similar way.

    I would like to see more of this deck. Love the colours. Will have to check it out. For now, I am off to make my own coffee ... haha. I am grateful to be able to provide for myself. :))

    1. It's beautiful deck. Colette Baron Reid has a lot of the pictures on Facebook, so you could go there to check it out.:)

  2. Nice card, and nice way to understand it. Nothing like a good cup of coffee in the morning :) Happy Saturday!

  3. " She’s standing tall and confident, her head held high: She is the one who will provide for herself in times of need."

    What I thought of before I read the post was "She is the one who will offer succor to the flora and fauna in this hall of need"
    We have had it hammered to do self care in order to do other care. Until we are fearful of reaching out to others, lest we fall aside ourselves.
    Such a fine line to tread.

    1. The self-care hype is probable the result of many women giving and caring too much for decades. Now it is up to us and all those women to become equilibrists searching for balance

  4. The bird in the card reminds me that there are times I need to look objectively at the big picture of my life. If I do, I will see plenty of times when my life sucked, but I will also see me moving on past that place eventually.

    1. Yes that symbolism fits well with birds. The two of wand in the Osho Zen is a bird flying high above the mountains. The card is called Possibilities. Often when things get hectic I imagine my self above the situation and everything seems less pressing and important and decision making becomes more easy.

  5. I love how the wind is catching her yet she appears to be embracing it, letting it wash over her. It is almost as if she understands that the winds can change in an instant and she is ready for that change, knowing she can handle it. "Whatever it is you’re asking about will not be found in the conditions you’re in until you move past the surface of things and choose to do the real work and discover the answers deep within you." - very powerful and very very true.

    1. This is a very intuitive deck. One day a card is telling me this tale,the another day it's speaking of something entirely different. I don't use it that often, perhaps to keep its advice's fresh and clear :)
