Monday, March 24, 2014

A surprising combination of cards: Four and Ace of Cups

This morning after a dreary weekend, I wondered if the cards would show me a shift in my frame of mind. I still am feeling somewhat tired, bored and restless. No wonder when I picked up my already beloved pack of cards; The Original Rider Waite Tarot, I pulled the four of cups. Could it be possible this would be another blah day? I can identify with this man so much: his arms and legs are crossed He is closed for any new idea, feeling or opportunity to be happy. He clings to his moodiness and boredom. 
The Original Rider Waite Tarot
So I pulled another card with the question what should I do to end this cycle of self pity; how can I clear my inner blocks and stand up and do something nice for myself? And I pulled the Ace of cups and after I gave those two cards another look I had to laugh. It is so obvious. In the Four of Cups the man is presented a fourth cup by the heavenly hand. The same cup and hand are depicted in the Ace of Cups only bigger and in my case louder. It is as if the cards are screaming to me: Pick up the damn cup woman and take responsibility for  your thoughts and how they make you feel. Shake of the indolence and embrace a new attitude of love and gratitude!
I noticed this combination of cards would only convey this message to me with a Rider Waite deck. In most of my other decks there is no giving hand and the depicted person is gazing eagerly at the fourth cup in the sky. So I am happy I picked up my O.R.W. deck.
Don’t you just love is when the tarot speaks to you like an old friend? 


  1. I don't think the message could be any clearer, lol. I would add that perhaps if you make sure YOUR cup is full (renewing yourself emotionally and spiritually), your cup will run over like in the Ace.

    1. Thanks you for your addition. You've put your finger on the sore spot. Lately refilling my cup is the major problem. I've just been riding my bike for a while. That is one activity that is always working for me. Sometimes I need to give myself a kick in the but :D

  2. Well paraphrase Sycamore, perhaps you are being encouraged to actually ADD something new to your cups. Volunteer somewhere, get a dog, take up swimming, ?

    1. That could be a possibility too. I haven"t thought about it like that.
      We do have a dog (ten year old blind labrador) already :D

  3. Hahah, I love it! I was just thinking "It's telling her to pick up the damn cup!!" And the I read your line saying exactly the same thing :-D Yes, it's great when Tarot tells it to you clearly and honestly and lovingly :)

  4. "Pick up the damn cup." Nice. The message is definitely clear. What you need is there and being offered, all you need to do is grab it. Of course, easier said than done. :)

    1. Yes is sure is a clear message. I am happy to say I am sipping from my cup today! (that rhymes :D)

  5. Just got this as how someone sees me:

    4 of cups= Not interested in what's being offered in the last cup. Been there done that. Knowing what it has to offer wasn't satisfied.

    Ace of cups= Interest in what's offered in this cup

    Rejecting stagnant emotions for emotional renewal in a different direction!

    1. A perfect interpretation!
      Thank you for stopping by!

  6. Just came across this site I just pulled out the 4 and ace of cups hehe but did pull out a third one and got 9 of wands, it's even funnier because i look like the guy in the 9 of wands thinking omg i just want a break hahaha

    1. Thank you for stopping by Sarah. We often have that kind of feeling because we tend to expect too much of ourselves
