Friday, October 18, 2013

Don't worry be happy!

October 18: Today is the feast day of St. Luke, the evangelist. Luke describes remarkably healing miracles in his gospel. Probably he was a doctor. Who or what can heal me?
six of wands Universal Rider Waite
 Universal Waite Tarot
Again a question from a more Catholic approach but nevertheless worthwhile to think about from whatever angle you consider it.
What does healing mean to me. It is so much more than being cured from a psychical illness or discomfort. For me healing goes deeper. Healing touches your hart and your soul. Perhaps in English it is all the same but for me there is a slight difference. So what or who can heal me. Let’s draw a card…..The six of wands. Mmm, not exactly the soothing healing card I had hoped for. But after some consideration I've realized that the suit of wands is just the kind of healing I need. Being active is the best way to quiet down a worrying, anxious mind. And since I've had too much time to sit around and do nothing (except brooding and worrying  and so forth.J), being active should be a very healthy thing for me now. I am happy to say that I experience slightly less pain than a week ago so I keep my fingers crossed this will keep getting better these coming days. The six of wands also emphasizes to celebrate what you have achieved; you successes. I have to remember that, because I tend to forget being proud of the things I do in a day. For instance I've been doing groceries with my daughter this morning. It seems so normal, but it isn't. To be able to do  this again is something to be happy about. And  being happy is the best healing medicine there is! 


  1. "Don't worry, be happy, cause every little thing is gonna be alright" - you've got me singing Bob Marley this morning! It's tough to be patient while you're waiting for things to get better (they're usually never on MY timetable, lol). But I think you're right to look for the little successes along the way to celebrate instead of just waiting on the big one. (((Ellen)))

    1. I would love to peek around a corner while you were singing :)
      Celebrating little successes is one of those things I tend to forget after some time, Being proud of myself is not something that comes natural for me, so perhaps I will use this card as visual reminder.

  2. True that! And look at all the healing green color in the card :) In the Wildwood the 6 of Bows' keyword is "abundance" - remembering all of the things to be thankful for, whether a direct result of energies spent, or the gifts received from the world or people around us. I totally agree that being happy is the best medicine - joy and love are the great healers of the world! :)

    1. I didn't notice the green. Thanks for thinking along. Although I haven't received my deck yet I did google the six of bows. It's a beautiful card especially with the aspect of gratitude included. That should also become a daily practice again. :)
