prompt for today from the #MagicSeeker2016 Tarot challenge on
IG hosted by @ghostkittenart is: What energy do I need to
help me cultivate more Magic in 2016? I used the Wildwood Tarot to answer this
My first
card was the Eight of Pentacles – Skill.
card is all about developing new skills and practicing both the new as the older
ones. This requires perseverance, patience and self discipline. At first glance
not the card I would have expected to draw. It seems that magic is more about
hard work than about waving your magic wand.
For some
more clarification I drew The page of
Arrows – Wren.
This page
advocates fortitude through difficulties, daring and agility and determination.
All good attributes for practicing our skills. It feels like he also wants me
to be really open to new possibilities and broaden my horizon both practical as
spiritual. Narrow mindedness is something he loathes intensely.
Next I drew
the Two of Arrows which
clarifies the reason for the first two cards.
Here we see a pregnant blindfolded woman immobilized
by false assumptions, twisted ideas and most of all by fear. This card shows me
that the previous two are an encouraging promise to bring magic into 2016. If I
want to give birth to new life, I have to let go of my fears and insecurities
and then I will be able to truly embrace my creativity, to be open for new ways
of thinking and to practice and hone my skills. This is “Big Magic” indeed!