Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Undressing of a salad - Keeping our balance at all cost?

Today’s card is “Undressing the Salad” of The Faeries' Oracle and it features a bluish young faerie juggling his balls with a little help from the crouching faerie on the head of large gnome who is looking in two directions at once. A strange name for a strange card but for today I will focus on whether or not it is possible to always maintain our balance, in every moment, whatever it may bring. I think not. In my humble opinion balance is something we can strive for, experience it for a while and eventually, we fall out of balance again. This cycle will keep repeating itself as long as we keep striving for balance. Maybe this cycle is also a sort of balance or perhaps even more a rhythm of life with its ups and downs; of breathing in and breathing out. It definitely sounds more natural to me than maintaining our balance at all cost, all the time.

So for today I will take it easy because the last few days were quite busy.  For me a perfect  way to live a balanced life J


  1. The title makes me think of 'bare bones,' something that is down to the basics. When I am out of balance, that is probably where I need to be! :)

    1. Thanksfor pointing that out Bev. I was was a bit confused by the title :)

  2. stripping away the unimportant to reveal the necessary? the life flight helicopter just went over us, stripped to being that passenger, I'm guess a lot more could be stripped away. bit like George Carlin's bit on Stuff.

    1. Never heard of George Carlin but thanks to YouTube I have enjoyed his talk about Stuff soo much! Hilarious!!
      It reminded me of when we went on vacation in our caravan and had everything we needed in that little space :)

  3. I got back to basics too. There is something about a compact, functional and uncluttered space that is quite beautiful and freeing - have you seen @tinyhouse and @tinyhousemovement on instagram?

    regarding the balance thing - you are right it can be something we accomplish over a week, a month, or even a year rather than forcing ourselves to have balance everyday

    1. No but I did watch some YT video's about tiny houses. I find it hard to declutter; always doubting if I might even need something again.
