Friday, March 21, 2014

A Rebirth tarot Spread for Ostara

I’ve found an amazing small tarot spread for this Holiday on Chloe’s blog “InnerWhispers”.There you can read how she was inspired by the Rebirth card from the Druidcraft Tarot to create this spread.  I love three card spreads because I like my spreads to be small and concise. I love to be able to see in one glance what the cards are telling me.
The questions for the Rebirth spread are:
1 What darkness am I leaving behind?
2 What new hope is approaching?
3 What can help me find my bearings at this time?
For this spread I've used my brand new Original Rider Waite Tarot for the first time. I was so happy to finally find the time to work with it. Al the gardening and shopping for flowers and plants and fertilizer has taken up a lot of my time and energy. So here are the cards I’ve drawn for this spread:
The Original Rider Waite Tarot
1 What darkness am I leaving behind? – Ten of Swords
Well I don’t think it can’t get any clearer than this. I am leaving behind the darkness of my despair and anxiety, which has been trying to take root these last few weeks. But dawn is slowly breaking, so there is hope; there is always hope.
2 What new hope is approaching? – Four of Pentacles
This was quite a confusing card but I can read it as my growing awareness of letting go of material desires to ease and numb my pain. These kind of “treats and presents” don’t sustain or heal me but rather they encourage my cravings for more.
3 What can help me find my bearings at this time? – The Fool
The Fool couldn't be a better guide for my rebirth in this season.  I love the way the dawn in the Ten of Swords has changed in a bright new day. The energy of this card is fresh, careless, free and  a bit naive. I can hardly remember when I have felt like that: without worries or fear. Perhaps when I was a lot younger and the world was at my feet. Life could be so much more adventurous and fun if I would let The Fool take me by the hand and let him walk with me step by step; moment by moment


  1. Nice spread - I might have to try that one later today. Maybe the Four of Pents suggests feeling more secure (with health, finances, energy) instead of worrying about them. Your reading is very positive and uplifting!

    1. Thanks for your opinion. That is a very valid way of looking at this card too. Worrying is never making anything better so holding on too tight is more suffocating than constructive.

  2. You are ready!! I love the Fool in this position. The Four of Pents maybe is telling you perhaps having a routine, reasonable limits as you move towards your new adventure. Be sure to leave room for growth. Sometimes we get caught up in our stuff and forget. :)

    1. Thank you Carol. that makes sense to me. Sometimes I am to enthusiastic and am destined to fall of the cliff. So to pick up a routine would be a great idea for me :D

  3. Wonderful spread. Will have to give it a try. On the 4 of Pentacles, maybe the new hope that is approaching is your ability to grasp hold onto your ideas and projects. They'll be clearer and easier to manage. :)

    1. Yes that is a good way of looking at this card too I love how everybody is putting there 5 cents in. As I told carol.sometimes I am all over the place when I am eager to make a chance. And I tend to forget projects that matter to me like for instance writing my gratitude journal

  4. What a lovely reading, Ellen! I'm sorry you've been feeling despairing. I know a lot of people, myself included, are affected by the light. So, the coming of spring is like that new day in the Fool card :) Bring on the sunshine, both literal and metaphorical! Funny, too, that we both got the Fool :D

    1. Yes it is. The sunshine is making a lot of difference. I like to take my bike and go outside and feel energized. And I think The Fool is a very cheerful fellow for us to follow this Spring.

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  6. I appreciate how this spread helps to focus on personal growth during the holidays.
