Saturday, November 16, 2013

My painting of Strength from The Hidden Realm Tarot

Yesterday I was inspired by my daily Tarot card the Five of Vessel - Ecstasy from the Wildwood Tarot to make art today. Due to my neck injury (which I am happy to say is gradually improving) I haven’t been painting or drawing for too long. So I've set  some time aside today for myself to play with my watercolors and pencils. I took the picture of Strength from The Hidden Realm Tarot painted by Julia Jeffrey as an example to work with. Although my skills aren't comparable to Julia’s I am very happy with the result and even more happy with the wonderful time I've had. I was humming and singing and painting and it felt like heaven. For today no tarot cards but some pictures showing the process of my painting adventure

First a drawing

Then some paint

A little bit more paint..

Followed by pencils



  1. Geez Louise woman, you are talented! Keep setting aside time when you can do art, and keep sharing it with the rest of us! :)

    1. Thank you so much, you make me blush. :)
      It is difficult for me to show my paintings to other people, because I tend to focus on what I could have done better and then a comment as yours is so good to hear

  2. Lovely! Do you have a rice bag for your neck when you are sitting still?
    I use one all the time on my mom's leg. I stitched two washcloths together and filled it with a couple of pounds of rice. Needs to be flexible but needs enough rice to stay warm for awhile.
    I nuke them for 2-2.5 minutes.

    Beautiful rendition of the card.

    1. Thank you Sharyn
      I do have something like that. We call it Cherry pit cushion
      You also can nuke them
      But I will remember the rice option for that is much cheaper I think :)

  3. Love it!!! Absolutely keep at it. A little bit at a time as your body allows. Especially if it makes you so joyful. Can't wait to see more. xxxxoooo

    1. Thank you Carol That is a lovely thing to say. I will take it slow for I don't want to lose the progress I've made with my recovery :)

  4. Congratulations Ellen!!!! It's a very very beautiful painting!!! Thank your for sharing, which it is so valuable: your painting. I hope you will show us more! :) Muchas Estrellas!!!!!!!!

    1. Thank you so much! It was difficult share, but I am glad I've done it :)

  5. Wow, I adore this, thanks for sharing it!!!!!! It reminds me that I've strayed from my own art for far too long. You are very talented. Maybe someday you will create a deck of your very own ;)

    1. Thank you Olivia! Yes it's true: art can be forgotten to easily. You make me curious about yours
      A deck ??? 78 cards??? I don't think so :D

    2. Hah, well maybe I will find some of my paintings or drawings and post them on my blog in the future :) Yeah I know, 78 is a lot. I suppose that's why it takes most artists 2 years or more to create a deck!!! You'd have to have a topic you were very motivated about!! :)

  6. Keeping motivated is the hardest I think. Perhaps a Lenormand deck (36 cards) :D

  7. Lovely artwork. It looks great finished but I particularly like the pencil sketch. So very haunting. Keep it up!

    Why not an oracle. They can have as many or as little cards as you like.

    1. Thank you so much The drawing is the most raw interpretation of the card. I feel more free when I draw;
      What about a three card oracle :D

  8. As others have said - absolutely beautiful, Ellen! I'm so glad to hear you set aside some time for this, it sounds like it really transports you to a beautiful place when you get creative. This is something I keep promising myself to spend some time on, though I have very little talent or skill. But it won't get better if I don't practice! Hope you'll keep sharing your wonderful art with us, it's very inspiring :)

    1. Thanks Kerry .Posting this painting and receiving such kind comments do help me cope with my insecurity about my art. Although people say they like what I make I often find it difficult to shed my perfectionism and be happy with my work. But hey, I am a work in progress too ±'
