Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Shadow Work Spread

Today I’ve done the Shadow Work Spread from the Shadow Work October Challenge by @Mnomquah on IG. For this spread I’ve used the Deviant Moon Tarot by Patrick Valenza.

Deviant Moon Tarot Shadow work spread

1 The Light – What you know and accept about yourself?

Queen of Cups. I know I am a loving an protective mother. Always listening to others and  trying to understand them and to feel what they need from me; to know how to help them. I also acknowledge my depression and I try to live with it as good as I possible can.

2 The Shadow – What is hidden from you about yourself?

The Knight of Wands. This is the same card as I’ve chosen for my “least favorite card of the deck”. Well now it is obvious why I picked this card. My Shadow wants to be heard loud and clearly. She wants to be adventurous and to try out new things. She knows no fear or at least she will not be held back by it.

3 Why do you fear you Shadow? What is preventing you from seeing and accepting you Shadow?

Six of Wands. I am afraid of the resistance of my loved ones. They don’t know that part of me. Accepting my shadow might cause conflicts and I don’t know if I am brave enough to face that.

4 Why should you embrace your Shadow? What are the positive sides of your Shadow that would benefit you?

Temperance. My personality would be so much more balanced if I could embrace my Shadow. It would be a very healing experience for me.

5 How to integrate the Shadow into the Light. What steps you should take in order to accept your Shadow?

Four of Swords. It is tempting to try to do Shadow Work only in your head. You have to feel and digest what you’ve learned too; really sit with is and let it sink in and take your time for it. This is the part when the real healing begins

6 The Outcome -The possibilities if you succeed in bringing the Shadow into the Light

The  Magician. I like this card in this position. The possibilities are endless, I can do anything I set m mind to, if I marry my Queen of Cups with my Knight of Wands. Yes so much energy will be set free if they live happily ever after

I am always a bit anxious when I am doing a large and very personal spread like this. Would the cards make sense? What if it is all abracadabra? A bit like stage fright perhaps. Anyway I loved how this spread worked out for me and the insights I got from it. Now I am going for a walk; some much needed Four of Swords time....

Shadow work tarot spread


  1. Your Six of Wands in the "What I fear" position reminded me of a quote by Marianne Williamson (please feel free to change her use of "God" as needed):

    “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

    1. I love this quote! Lately I print and paste it in every journal I use, because it holds such an important message for me.:)
      (God will do just fine for now)

  2. It's funny how often your least favorite card likes to show up in the most coincidental places. ha ha.

    I think you got a lot of great cards in this spread. I feel the same insecurity about doing larger spreads...I worry that I'll pull a weird card and be unable to figure it out. I guess the only way to get used to that would be repetition. The more you do something, the easier and more comfortable it becomes.

    1. Yes Tarot does have a strange sense of humor sometimes
      I am glad I am not the only one feeling like this towards larger spread :)

  3. I remember your post about your relationship with the Knight of Wands. How brilliant of him to show up here. This is a fascinating spread, Ellen, and I love how the Magician seals it. Good for you for showing up here in spite of your anxiety--this is the real shadow work! Hugs to you, my dear.

    1. Thank you my dear friend and also for you heartfelt encouragement and support. It means a lot to me

  4. That Knight of Wands reminds me of the previous spread where you talked about your wild child side! And it is hilarious when your least favourite card turns up as your deepest shadow - perfect :D I loved seeing Temperance as the benefits of embracing your shadow, too.

    I wonder, with the Six of Wands, if another thing you fear is being seen, being the focus of other people's attention...

    1. You are quote right! it is part of my fears and it has become stronger over the years. Immediately I hear this in my mind: "Good kids are not to be seen or heard" It is a pity how we hold on to these parental messages like a lifesaver on a rough see while the only thing they do is drowning us slowly

  5. You did very well :) I love that you ended with such a wonderful, empowering card - the Magician. The 4 of Swords in the Deviant Moon is probably one of my favorite versions of this card across all decks. There is something about the calm, soothing qualities of being embraced by the earth that feel quite visceral in a really nice way :)

    1. Thanks Olivia. I remember that you wrote about this card on your blog saying the exact same thing. It had made a deep impact on me and I am reminded of it , each time I pull this card for myself :)

  6. Found you searching for shadow tarot spreads last night. I was curious how you would interpret the following: 1) 3 Pentacles, 2) 8 Cups, and 3) King of Wands? The first card made sense enough, but 2 and 3 kind of threw me into a stall. I wondered what your take on that combination would be...

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have to disappoint you because I don't read for others...
      The interpretation will come to you. Give it time and trust your intuition:)

  7. I just discovered your wonderful blog and I hope you are still planning on journaling publicly about the cards. I had never seen this spread for shadow work before so I thought I would try it. (And of course the cat appeared out of nowhere to sleep right next to the spread with her tail twitching!) The cards that appeared surprised me but the biggest surprise of all is that my Shadow is the Sun! How about that for The Tarot's sense of humor?

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