Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Combining Tarot and Lenormand in one reading

Legacy of the Divine Tarot, Ciro Marchetti, Ten of Swords
Inspired by Chloe and Siddaleah  I've been practicing again with my Lenormand cards for several days now. And I have to say it hasn't been easy. There has been times the cards only spoke jibber jabber to me and I felt like throwing them into the trash can. Could it be possible I'm not cut out  for this? Since I am a stubborn woman (Taurus) I didn't want to be defeated by 36 pieces of cardboard so I kept practicing.
And gradually the fog was lifting and the cards started to make sense to me again. It was helpful for me me not to search for generic meanings but to ask a question first. Was it about love, money or health? But how many questions can you come up with while practicing on  your own. So I included my tarot cards in the reading. I picked a tarot card which would be the topic of my reading and then I drew a line of three lennies about this topic.
The topic for this reading was the Ten of Swords from the Legacy of the Divine Tarot : How can I let go of all my self defeating thoughts and move on?
Then I pulled three cards from the Gilded Reverie Lenormand (both decks are by Ciro Marchetti):
7 Snake +15 Bear + 5 Tree

Gilded Reverie Lenormand, Ciro Marchetti, Snake, Bear, Tree

Biting thoughts (suspicions and self loathing) can be conquered by confidence and inner strength which will improve your physical (health) and mental (wisdom) well being.

I liked how the bear was swimming away from the snake and towards the tree; moving on from one situation to another.
Building confidence is certainly helpful for me while practicing with these cards. Whining about how I will never, ever be able to read them won't help me to improve my skills.J
Practicing like this is so much fun and very encouraging for my confidence in reading the Lenormand.


  1. Great idea for using a tarot card to come up with a question to use for the Lenormand. :) You may think you have trouble reading these cards, but on your blog your readings seem to be clear and effortless!

    1. Thank you! Perhaps it is more about my own insecurity and fear for doing things the wrong way :)
      Maybe reading cards is my way of tackling this mental twitch :D

  2. Great idea combining tarot with the Lenormand! I'm glad the fog is lifting. :-)

    1. Thanks Siddaleah I do hope the guidebook from the Enchanted Lenormand will lift this veil even further.:D

  3. Ellen, you did a wonderful job here. Nice question from the tarot. Great interpretation of the Lenormand. I tend to see the Tree as growth and grounding. If I were to read these three, it would be similar to yours just slightly different. (Of course, one thing I've found which helps a lot is to set my intentions very specific - past, present, future (a progression of events); center focus, flanking more information; etc.) I'll offer my words, but not to challenge your own, but to give you a slightly different look. To let go of your self defeating thoughts and move on, you must first recognize the negative voice (snake) for what it is - just a voice you create yourself, and nothing more. Find strength (bear) in the lessons you learn from this recognition (who's voice is it based on, when and why was it created). This will bring you growth and grounding(tree), a moving past this self defeated voice. Also, as an added note - the playing card inserts sum to 29 - Lady, my first thought on this was be yourself, find yourself, you soul's truth. :) As I said, your interpretation is correct, I just expanded on it to give you some added insight. :)

    1. Thanks you so much Cher for sharing your thoughts about these three cards. It is adding another layer of meaning to my own interpretation. I've never heard of counting the playing cards inserts. I have to try this too

  4. Ciro Marchetti decks are interesting. I bought the Gilded Tarot and I can't read with that thing to save my life. I originally got it cos I thought the artwork was nice (felt no real pull though - lesson learned). I'm thinking I never will so I'll probably end up selling them eventually. You look like you've got a handle on his decks so I'll definitely be interested to see how you progress with it.

    1. Ha ha Art is all about personal preferences. I only like this tarot deck and not so much the other two. I love it how his tarot and Lenormand deck fit together because beside the art style, the black borders are the same too

  5. Ellen,
    I absolutely love the idea of drawing a tarot card for the question! I am going to try this with some oracle decks. Thanks for sharing your ideas- I simply adore your blog!!
    Bright Blessings,

    1. I've done this with oracle cards too. Works just as great. Thanks for the compliment and stopping by my friend

  6. Late to the game, but I'd like to join the fun :)
    I read the Lennie answer as: your strength (Bear) will help you find a way around (Snake) those unhelpful thoughts, to reach a greater sense of place (Tree). So, your inner determination lets you circumvent your own negative thoughts, and come closer to your true self. Similar, then, to Cher's interpretation, but with the Tree as 'being where you are' instead of the Lady as being yourself :D
    Another option: strong (Bear) boundaries (Snake) bring growth (Tree). I imagine visualising a wall around those negative thoughts, cutting them off so that they cannot touch you...

  7. "Tree as being you you are" Love it.
    May be it is a good idea to write down more options before sticking to my first intuitive interpretation
    So snake as defending boundaries.... This is indeed a more positive interpretation for this card:)

    1. Well, in the German tradition the Snake is generally just seen as an intelligent woman, rather than having all the negative interpretations some others give it. I like being able to see both sides to it… :)
      As for your intuitive interpretation, many times this is what you need to hear, so go with it. I only add alternatives as you said you wanted to learn and think in different ways :D

    2. It does fit with the idea of the snake being a symbol of wisdom instead of deceit
      I do like to hear other's opinions about the lenormand cards but I agree intuition is what I need to pay attention to in the first place
      Searching for more options is a good exercise though :)
