Sunday, July 13, 2014

Knight of Pentacles - Practice with Patience

Tarot of the Hidden Realm Julia Jeffrey, Knight of PentaclesToday’s card is the Knight of Pentacles from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm. What a difference there is between this guy and yesterday’s Mr. McSteamy. This knight could be my best friend; my tower of strength. His whole demeanor radiates a quiet gentleness. He merges into the background as if he doesn't want to disturb anything with his presence.
He is Patience incarnated. And this patience is making him strong, reliable and trustworthy. He will help you when and where needed because he has this drive to do good for others being a knight and all.
Don’t expect him to invent the wheel but he can get the job done. It doesn't matter how long it takes he will finish what he has started because he is dedicated to the task.
A blend between the two cards would  present us with perfect marriage material. So how can we find this mister Right within ourselves?
I guess Passion, Patience and Practice are a golden triad of attributes for my inner knight in shining armor. When I can find the balance between these three aspects of myself, my knight, who is patiently waiting, will come to the rescue.

 “Have patience with all things, But, first of all with yourself.” Saint Francis de Sales 


  1. I agree, I'd much rather hang out with the woodsman than Mr. McSteamy. :D But both of them are active, just in different ways. I'm definitely more a "slow but steady" sort of person rather than a "take the bull by the horns" kind.

    1. Me too Bev! McSteamey is too overwhelming for me on the long run :D (Perhaps when I was still in my twenties??)
      Anyway slow but steady always wins the race!

  2. Oh my Mr. McSteamy? He's nice to look at but from a distance. I just run the other way! Yup just give me the humble, gentle country boy with a brain, fed on nectar and ambrosia with gifts of wisdom, healing, prophecy and loves critters! Not gonna meet him in the Wal-Mart!

    My triad would be prayer, persistence and trust. They all sure do take practice and patience! Lovely card, and interpretation Ellen.

    1. Thanks Catherine. I suppose you would have to hiking or go to an environment meeting to come across such a sweetie.:D
      Love your triad!

    2. Oh ya I think he just might be " Other Worldly " Already met him but he's gone to that " Other World ". <3

  3. Ha ha, must confess I still like Mr. McSteamy ;) Beautiful quote, Ellen! Am reading a book at the moment which counsels PC parenting, as in patient and conscious. Have to admit, I don't always manage it :( So, guess I need to work on drawing out my inner patient person, and not beat myself up in the meantime...

    1. Developing patience is a life's work. Especially when children are in the picture. As soon as you think you've found some sort of balance with them, they enter the next development phase and the "game" starts over. Even with my "grown up" girls my patience get challenged.
      Having patience with yourself is mandatory as a parent :D

  4. All of my relationships have been with this court character. I like to know where I am with people and he always sits well with me.

    Over the last few years, I have located my own inner Knight of Pentacles. It took some searching but I found him. It makes this card very important for me and quite a teacher.

    1. Yes i remember how you started to grow on him and appreciate his qualities more and more. I think this particularly depiction is a beneficial contribution to his persaonality.
