Yet this
morning I saw this two of wands in a whole different light. There is this man behind thick
stone walls; in his castle he has built himself, with all the goods he has gained
from his successful enterprises. And there he is, watching his globe and being stuck in his
little world. This globe made me think of the World Wide Web. Almost everybody
our there has access to the world in his own living room: TV, internet, smartphones
and so on. Sometimes I wonder, if we would be more out there in the real world,
without the digital one at our disposal at any time.
My own world
has become (by circumstances) a small one and I am ever so glad with the
opportunity to broaden my view on life with
the internet. It has given me so much more than I ever could have imagined ten
years ago. But still there is something nagging. I know I have to accept the things
I cannot change but I also want to be brave enough to look critical at what can
be changed.
You make a good point about the digital/computer age. I was at a coffee shop the other day, and almost all the people were glued to their laptops or smart phones rather than having a conversation! I fear on some level we've forgotten how to interact with the real world. But I wouldn't want to throw out the baby with the bath water because I have met so many people and enjoy their friendships online. :)
ReplyDeleteNo I wouldn't either, for the same reason. Sometimes you hear about drastic measures being taken: three months without internet or something like that. But I think it is good to remain conscious of the balance between real an digital :)
DeleteWonderful post. Yes, I believe it would be a huge difference in the world minus the internet. Good or Bad, I'm not sure. There's probably weight on both ends, but I won't go into my long thoughts on those. I see the Two of Wands as that moment before making the decision, which can be a hard time, given the whole world is at your fingertips. Too many choices, and you have to narrow it down to the best one for you. Of course, sometimes it's an easy, logical choice. :)
ReplyDeleteFor me the most easy way to choose is when my heart and my mind are both in it. Otherwise I tend to linger too long; afraid to choose wrongly
DeleteThere used to be only two kinds of bread at the bakery: brown and white. My mum bought brown on weekdays and white for the weekends :D
Excellent post.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting that the globe is not really real. I guess that we can substitute the real with an unreal idea of the world when we view it through the web; some people think that internet relationships alone can replace physical ones, as an example.
It's all about balance really. Is the internet or a phone the problem? Not really, it is the user. I nag at my boyfriend about his phone and the amount of time he looks at it. Taking it all away is probably not the answer. Finding a place where we control it and it doesn't control us could be the answer.
Thank you.
DeleteI like it when a card wakes up a whole different string of associations.
Yes you are so right. as always it is up to us to bring balance in our lives. But I think it was a lot easier in the past when there weren't so many choices :)
Wow! Very interesting read! I know for certain I use the internet to avoid diving into real life. It's such a good tool for procrastination which is my biggest obstacle to achieving what I'd like.
ReplyDeleteYou are so right Siddaleah
Delete"tool for procrastination" very well put! The internet is a huge time consumer!
I love that interpretation as well! Instead of "waiting for the ships to come in" it might now represent "if you don't get off your bum and DO something (instead of 'browsing the world' online) you might miss the boat!
Sometimes is seems scary to get out in the real world but most of the time it not so bad :)