Sunday, September 29, 2013

Tarot Prompts from Mabon to Samhain (part2)

These are the prompts for the next week. Have fun!
Again, all credits go to Berthe van Soest.

October 1 : Squirrels are gathering nuts,  acorns etc. for the coming winter. What do I have to gather for this winter?

October 2: In the Catholic church it is the feast of the guardian angels. What does my guardian angel ( or spirit guide or patron….) want to tell me?

October 3: The trees have to let go of their leaves in order to bud again in spring .  What do I have to let go in order to receive something new?

October 4:  Today is World Animal Day. St Francis talked to the birds and tamed a wolf. Wolfs can also exist within ourselves. Which wolf in me should I show compassion for?

October 5: Sparrows and blue tits are finding insects to eat, especially  beetles and earwigs, between the seeds of a sunflower. In what unexpected places do I find nourishment?

October 6: When the Rowan berries go red, summer has come to an end. These berries are said to have protective properties. Put some in a vase in your home and ask yourself: What needs protection in my life?

October 7: The grapes, apples and pears are harvested. What can I look back to with satisfaction? What is my harvest of the last season?


  1. Thank you for translating and providing these prompts! x

  2. I am glad you like them and are working with them. I think they give a quite a different focus in a reading
