Saturday, July 22, 2017

Othala and Intuition – Your gut feeling will lead you home

Othala Intuition Dreams of Gaia Tarot
Today’s rune is Othala, the last rune of the Futhark, the end of your journey. It is the rune of heritage, inner wealth, coming home and finding your purpose, your destiny,.
So I wondered what energy I could consider to be my guide, my road sign, towards my purpose in live. Maybe I would even pull a card which would reveal my purpose in life…..
So I stood before my shelf with most of my decks, wondering which deck would be the one to answer my question and I picked The dreams of Gaia Tarot. After some extensive shuffling I pulled “Intuition”. Maybe not a representation of my life’s purpose but definitely a gentle guide towards it. Listening to my intuition will keep me on the right track for sure.
Our intuition is the voice beneath all reason. The undercurrent of our conscious mind. It is the voice which words our deeper knowledge. Of course feelings, inklings, gentle nudges and pulls are also ways of our intuition to communicate with us. For me intuition is not only the voice of our unconscious but also of our higher consciousness or maybe even of our divine spark or God herself.

More than often we tend to downplay synchronistic events  and coincidences. How much more magical our life would be, if we would see them as little miracles. Maybe this way we would me more keen to heed our intuition, so we would practice and strengthen this innate quality. This way our signposts to guide us where we are supposed to be would be written in neon lights instead of being hidden in the shadows of our mind.


  1. Ahh that we would all listen to our Higher Self, so much turmoil and fear would be avoided. I have been paying attention to coincidences in my life for a good while. Like my three threes this week.

    1. Yes that might indeed be a significant "coincidence". I've found that slowing down is essential to notice these synchronicities

  2. Intuition seems like a much better choice than something too concrete. Our purpose would naturally change and flow in different directions over time.

  3. I sure relate to this card. I think all human's can find their divine purpose if they listen closely enough to that still quiet voice that exists in the world of the unconscious, in our spirit and heart.

    Our purpose is shared but expressed in different ways I believe. And it's truly loving and caring for our fellow human's including ourselves in the way the Great Mother loves and cares for each precious creation on earth.

    1. I agree; our purpose is to find love within for ourselves and to give it freely and abundantly to others. listening to our Intuition can be a great help for us

  4. I absolutely LOVE this card. I had to run off and look for the deck before even reading the post (sorry about that). I didn't order, but they're in my wish list for later. :) Intuition is a wonderful thing, if you can get quiet enough to hear. Your life purpose - I read once that your life purpose is what brings you joy. This could be as simple as raising your children to leading the people in a great quest for freedom and peace. And it shifts as we grow, as we accomplish each purpose. It would be nice to have a piece of paper to tell us exactly what to do, what we'd planned for this journey, or would it? Blessings. :)

    1. Maybe it would be nice but being free to choose whatever we like in this lifetime is a blessing too
      I recommend this deck to you wholeheartedly. It is an amazing deck to work with
