Thursday, September 15, 2016

Eight of Wands and Fortune Faery - The Difference between Wanting and Wishing

My cards for today are Eight of Wands and Fortune Faery from the Tarot of the Hidden Realm. 
Tarot of the Hidden Realm Eight of Wands  Tarot of the Hidden Realm  Fortune Faery

In the Eight of Wands we see a highly skilled and focused young woman who is about to release her arrow towards her goal. She also has a lot of arrows in the quiver on her back; so many more goals to aim for. This card often urges me to list what I want to do in the time coming and today it got me thinking about what I want to do when Autumn will finally arrive here:
Learn how to knit toe-up socks, practice how to sketch quickly without an eraser, bake an Apple pie with the apples from our tree, go back to the gym, get acquainted with some of my decks on a deeper level and journal  more with them, clean my house, wearing long trousers, work with oil pastels…..
After I had written down a lot of wants and needs, I drew a card to find out if I hadn’t forgot something essential and I got the Fortune Faery. A little girl is about to blow on a dandelion puff and let her wish roam free on its little seeds.
She asked me: “You have so many wants, but what do you wish for?” And I was silent.
There is a great difference between wanting and wishing. Wanting is about things which are grounded in reality and which we are able to obtain if we direct our energy towards it. But wishing is more ethereal and fleeting. What we wish for is often not likely to happen but we can always hope and have faith it might happen one day.
Maybe I am afraid to wish because I don’t want feel disappointed. Or I am to pragmatic to believe in wishes coming true. Or maybe I am utterly content with where I am right now. This post will not provide me with an answer but it does stir up some serious food for thought.

"If you want to something, don't just wish for it. Life is too short to wait.” Stephen Hines


  1. I like the idea of having one arrow to concentrate on at a time. I can get so caught up in multiple wishes and wants that nothing gets done!

    1. Yes me too but to have a small list to refer to when I am at a loss what to do is always handy

    2. I'd be lost without post-its and notebooks. :D

  2. I also like the analogy of the arrows in the quiver and to deal with one at a time. What I do notice is in both cards something is going out from the gals, so make you sure you send out happy thoughts. Cool weather, hot cocoa, painting the fall colors, oops there they are, multiple wishes. Back to the one thing

    1. Thanks for noticing! Yes, what we send out we'll receive ourselves one way or another

  3. my line in the sand is want vs. need. I don't throttle down wishes :) they are the fun part of life, in moderation

    1. I'm trying to keep that line too but I don;t always succeed.
      Perhaps I need a bit of wishing practice to let them go more easily.:)

  4. Your second paragraph too muc to achieve in a day. Just three things a day max. My jittery mind creates too many goals and without focus nothing gets done. Of all those things what is most important to you?

    1. haha! It's not a to-do list for one day but more for when the temperatures drop. I would go crazy if I had to do this all in one day!
      The most important things are writing in my journal and practicing my art :)

    2. Did I mention I'm bonkers? I can't believe I thought that was your agenda for the first day of Autumn. Glad it gave you a laugh :)

  5. As a teacher in my past life and a youth care worker I learned about goals and objectives, I'm still learning a lot about them because I am trying to build a creative enterprise!
    I believe they can be based on wants, needs and/or wishes.

    Goals move forward in a specific direction, are a little undefined and abstract, but realistic, attainable, and align with your vision, values and aspirations. They are more emotional.

    Objectives are exact steps I take, are without emotion, are firm, concrete, tangible measurable, quantifiable, and are clearly outlined with a time line.

    Then there are strategies that are more abstract and tactics are the exact things that I do to achieve my objectives, that help me to reach my goal and define my objectives.

    I think I've made a mistake in the past not applying goals and objective to my wants, needs and wishes in my life. Looks like now I'll have to make this a goal and set my objectives! Lol

    1. Breaking up a large goal in measurable baby steps is so much more efficient and rewarding. When it takes too long to reach a goal motivation will drop beneath zero :D

  6. This it so very true Ellen. It's too easy to feel overwhelmed and discouraged otherwise!

  7. I like your distinction between wishes and wants: what you hope for; and what you know you can make happen with energy and time. I wonder whether wishes are partly about not yet having figured out the necessary steps to get to them. Not that we can always know those steps, sometimes we have to wait and see what possibilities open up. I trust, though, that if I keep wishing I'll spot the door or window of possibility when it opens! 😌

    1. I think wishing needs courage because it is so vague and out of reach. Maybe wishing and magic aren't that far apart. That is why people also talk sometimes about "wishcasting" :D
