Thursday, October 20, 2016

Within -without -advice : Not all that glitters is gold

Today I pulled some cards from my Original Rider Waite tarot for a “Within - Without – Advice” reading and I got:
What immediately stands out is the bright yellow in the first and the last card. This tells me my reading will be about finding truth and becoming aware of something important.
Within - Nine of Cups
This guy is a very happy guy. He has all he ever wanted. Every cup is filled with something which fulfills  him and brings him joy. But I cannot help but wonder when it was the last time he has checked the content of his cups. Are they still fresh or are some of them stale or past their expiration date.  It is wise to discover what it is that really feeds your soul before you expose yourself  to….
Without - The Devil
Yes, The Devil wants you to believe everything he promises you. He deals in short time rushes and quick fixes. Often at first, they do feel good when we give in to them. And it is hard not to, when we are tempted with so much glitter and glamour. In a society which promotes consumerism, the temptations are many. The (Social)media bombards us with everything we seem to “need” and  “want”  and it is up to us to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Advice - Seven of Swords
And that is exactly what this guy is doing here. Besides being about  lies and deceit, for me this card is also about being the lone wolf who stands out from the crowd and who knows how to take care of his own needs. He chooses the swords which are right for him and leaves the rest behind. He is not easy influenced by smooth talk or advertising campaigns. He knows that short cuts are often dead ends and that not all that glitters is gold

In short, being aware of what truly fulfills us will armor us against the influences of consumerism and will help us to chose wisely from the broad range of choices we are presented with on a daily base.


  1. For every gullible person, there is a snake oil salesmen with the perfect blend to sell them. Amazing that people still believe happiness came come from something outside oneself.

    1. If we would only have the courage and take the time to dig out our inner treasures

  2. nice reading. I often see the 7 of swords as someone making their own path, by choice, and slipping away quietly because he is sick of people telling him 'it won't work'...

    1. Yes that is a much more affirming interpretation than thievery of deceit! :)

  3. I really like that take on this nine of cups. We do get complacent about things in our life; time to see what is in those cups that is not serving us anymore, as you say - past their expiration date. I like this spread with it bookends of yellow. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you Carolyn! A few days ago M asked me what my favorite meal was and I answered without thinking: kale mash with smoked sausage (typical Dutch dish)! it surprised me because this was my favorite meal from years ago. I don't like it that much anymore but it seems it is still filling up one of my cups. :)

  4. I love your interpretation for the Seven of Swords here! Makes so much sense to me. What a great reading! (That bright yellow on either side is hard to miss. The images look so balanced together)

    1. Thank you!! Yes the yellow is almost blinding :)

  5. Ha ha, a very wise reading in the run-up to Christmas! Though I also see that Nine of Cups as someone who is emotionallly satisfied with what you have, which helps you be more discerning in the Seven of Swords :)

    1. Yes There comes a time in everybody's life when they just have enough and there is little they need to be utterly content. When I was much younger I "needed"so much more :)

  6. Great reading, with wonderful insights.

  7. I do like your revisionist reading of the seven of swords. Your post makes me think of higher and lower pleasures. Visit to art gallery and coming away with ideas for creative practice - high versus clothes shopping, quick rush of satisfaction all over very quickly - low.

    1. Yes or reading a good inspiring book versus watching an episode of a soap series :)

  8. I love simple spreads like these and use a similar one. Your interpretations are very grounded and helpful. Thanks for sharing your insights! And feel better soon.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Svetlana. Yes small spreads are definitely my favorite too.
