Monday, October 23, 2017

Three of Coins – Tending to your roses

Raven's Prophecy Three of Coins Maggie Stiefvater blog blogger
Today’s card is the Three of Coins from the Raven's Prophecy Tarot. Three roses, although yet partially open, are bound to come into full bloom. As long as we keep caring for them, they will reach their full potential and our hard work will be rewarded. This is what we all hope for when we begin a creative project. But even though we put in all our effort, so many things, often beyond our control can go wrong.  It is then that we are truly tested. Do we give up or do we work even harder to try to get rid of the infestations and diseases roses are so susceptible for? When we are not that experienced in tending to our roses, we’d better ask for help from somebody who is. After all, the three of Coins is also a card of teamwork.

For me, the three lights above the roses, symbolize trust and even the confidence that these roses will bloom one day because without it we wouldn’t be able to do all this hard work and to keep going when things get more difficult. Yes, despite setbacks and challenges, these lights will help us to bring our project to fruition. 


  1. Interesting, maybe the lights could be the 'souls' of the flowers...

    I remember when I first looked at this card, thinking about all the people involved in gardening: the person who sells the seeds, who makes the tools, who delivers the compost. And also the teamwork of sun and earth and rain and dedicated gardener: dead-heading old blooms, squirting dilute washing-up liquid on the aphids... :D
    As you say, it's a lot of work, and we need faith that it will be worth the effort. Yet, this is also why you plant lots of seeds. Some may fail, but those that bloom make up for the rest ;)

    1. I agree it is a lot of work. Before my neck injury I used to love working in my garden. I remember getting a rosebush from my husband one day and although my entire garden was in full bloom the rose bush had died. It seems you have to have a special knack to care for these beautiful flowers

  2. I don't have the patience to grow roses, except the 'Knockout' brand. These are lovely, but have very little scent. I guess what you get is in proportion to the effort you put into it!

    1. If their looks are a enough than why bother with all problems other brands might cause you. Enjoy your roses my dear

  3. we put in two roses this spring, yellow, wonderful. About 2 months ago deer came in and ate them to nubs. Sometimes the rose is far beyond or help.

    1. That is when we have to accept we are defeated and we have to start over of start something new :)

  4. Roses are a sore subject in our house. K believes it is cruel to prune them so they are now over ten feet tall and only have a couple of blooms each. I would cut them down but the branches are as thick as year I may plant some new ones in a secret part of the garden....:)

    1. Without pain and/or loss there is no growth. That true for all living beings even for roses :D

    2. I will tell K that tonight. Wish me luck...:)
