Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Moon in December

Pulling my cards for this New Moon, at het end of the Holiday season, feels a lot like an intention setting for January. I suppose most of us are anxiously anticipating the first of January, when everything will get back to “normal”
Dreams of Gaia Tarot Wisdom Masculine Feminine Ravynne Phelan
For this New moon I pulled two cards from the Dreams of Gaia Tarot:
Release – X Wisdom
This card relates closely to the Hermit in a traditional Tarot deck. It represents o.a: inner wisdom, self knowledge and shadow work. Yes, I feel the time for inward reflection is coming to an end. It can be tempting to stay in our cave a bit longer but life is more than only seeking inner wisdom. It is also about having experiences and creating opportunities to gain wisdom from. Without those our wisdom might become shallow and meaningless
Embrace – XI of Fire – Masculine/feminine
A very motivating card for this coming lunation. This card is all about finding the balance between passive and active energy. January often appeals to our most active energy, so we can better ourselves, follow up on our new year resolutions and trying to work on our goals and intentions. This is not always the most effective way to go about it. Instead of hurrying and chasing and doing our uttermost best, listen to your energetic rhythms and try to be flexible. Embrace the energy which suits you best. It is okay to slow down, even in January! There are eleven more months to come.


  1. I can relate to the desire to stay hidden away. Wintertime doesn't help it either. ha ha. This is a nice pair. I hope the advice works wonders for you! :)

    1. Thanks, I hope so too. but to be honest hiding in my cave is still tempting. But I also have to realize that hiding is not the same as seeking wisdom :)

  2. So many people feel like they need to race to the New Year...lets get this over and start anew, when each day is a gift. Lets enjoy everyday. There is still 3 days left of 2016 enjoy them.

    1. And now it is evening and only two days to go. One day filled with shopping and chores on the last day M and I are baking "Oliebollen"(Dutch Doughnuts) a traditional Dutch treat for the New year

    2. Happy New Year. I hope you are enjoying the Oliebollen that you and your daughter were making the other day. Bright Blessings to you and yours in the New Year!

    3. Happy New Year to you too Carolyn. It turned out M. had to bake all the Oliebollen by herself since I was feverish and didn't feel so well. They were absolutely perfect. I was so proud of her!

  3. Time to come out of the Hermit's cave with the insight you've gained and apply it to life in the right balance. :)

    1. It has been quite the retreat his year, which was mainly caused by my hernia. I am happy to say I am feeling much better now and I can hardly wait until I am fully recovered. So Keeping the balance is still very much needed.
      As for wisdom found, keep reading my blog my dear friend :D

  4. Hi Ellen!! Stopping by to say hi and wish you loads of happiness for 2017! I loved your spread and I'm gonna use it as I sip my coffee this morning. I will have to blog in January. If I can! In October my computer got struck by lightning and killed it so it's very hard to post blogs for my phone. Ha ha but perhaps I can get a new computer at some point. I hope you are well. Xoxo, Hannah aka Magic Mentha ������

    1. Hi Hannah. Good to hear from you. I am sorry to hear your computer died. Let me know if you are perhaps on IG, then I can follow you there :) Enjoy the spread!

  5. Hey, Hi Magic, long time no see.
    One part of my brain says "it is just another day" the other part goes to bed early-ish in order to arise fresh and excited for the new year arriving. Setting my intention on the "new" I suppose.

    1. I agree it is just another day. But the amount of energy people are putting in to it is changing it in something special.
      I hope it will be a wonderful New year for you

  6. Hi Sharyn! Nice to see you. Indeed. I guess magic and intention are what we make them...and I guess that can be pretty powerful if we let it.

    I've been on blog hiatus and equally bad about blog commenting after my computer died. It's sort of refreshing to not blog but I also miss the old gang. So I think 2017 will be more active in that regard.

    Sending you good mojo for 2017,

  7. Yep! I'm on Instagram as unclehannah
