Sunday, June 1, 2014

Four of Vessels – Boredom or doing No-thing?

The Wildwood Tarot, Four of Vessels -  Boredom
Today we have another Card from the suit of Vessels from the Wildwood Tarot: the Four of Vessels – Boredom. When I read this caption it's giving me instantly a negative feeling. The guidebook speaks about “emotionally frozen and disconnected”. I was raised with the notion that boredom is a waste of time and energy. Maybe this card can also mean something else. In my new moon reading I've got No-Thingness as my embrace card. Isn't this exactly what this woman is doing: No-Thing. Behind her back there are two large vessels with vine like plants. They are forming an arch over the entrance of the cave. Two smaller vessels are watering these plants. The woman is paying no attention. Did she came out of this dark cave or does she has to turn around to enter it. At the moment she doesn't seem to care. She is just sitting there and doing nothing. Personally for me this is an art in itself. Doing nothing and watching the world go by. Since the Universe has a way to fill emptiness, this phase will pass eventually. She will get up and go from doing No-Thing to doing Some-Thing. But for now she needs to reassess herself. How does she feel? what does she want or need? The risk of getting up to soon and chasing after the next whim is living a life filled with restless superficial distractions. So I will practice “the art of Boredom” for a while; doing nothing, to regain my focus and some inner peace.
Sitting quietly, doing nothing, Spring comes, and the grass grows, by itself.” Zen Proverb


  1. I think it could be emotional overload. Sometimes we have to deal with so much chaos or ongoing crises that it begins to feel normal. So when we don't have anything going on, it might feel like boredom, even though its a way for us to heal and renew ourselves.

    1. I think I am emotionally somewhat overloaded. I've been taking small periods of "doing No-thing time" Just lying on my bed or sitting in the garden, sometimes flipping through a deck; just looking at the pictures and that's it. Letting my mind wander, noticing where it is going without slipping into worrying. Nothing more nothing less and it feels sooo good :)

  2. I love the idea of you practicing the art of boredom. As you say, it can be quite a challenge to just sit. May you notice where your thoughts wander, and love and accept yourself :)

    1. Thank you Kerry. That last remark is very essential for this practice :)

  3. Perfect card for me this weekend. I have perfected the art of no-thing and doing so is foreign to me. I rarely get bored. The chaos and craziness at work is now over (I hope) but last week was so draining, I am that woman this weekend. I am glad you are allowing yourself to just be ... go where you go in thought. Isn't that a form of meditation? Not to focus. Anyway, hope your day has been a good one. I caught a glimpse of the moon last night .. just a sliver above the top of the trees. Joy.

    1. I hope from now on you can really enjoy the summer. You deserve some quiet time for yourself; doing what you want to do.
      My day was a good one. thank you. I've just walked my dog and the moon looks beautiful. How odd we live so far apart and we watch at the same moon tonight Sleep well :)
