Saturday, June 14, 2014

My Painting – Reclaiming freedom!

Today I would like to share my painting with you. It is quite different than what you expect from me. Because of that it is rather daunting for me to make this post. But since the process of making this painting has given me so much pleasure and an enormous sense of freedom I  decided to take this last hurdle too.
I've started out with a simple line drawing without thinking beforehand what I wanted to draw. Because the large shapes did remind me of monsters, the last thing I did was drawing the eyes.
From there on it was a playful experience with paint, palette knifes and brushes. Is the painting finished? I don’t know. Perhaps in a few days I will add another layer. Or I might start a new one. Or I'll paint a few simultaneously. Everything goes, everything is allowed! Isn't that amazing! 

(Ps Sorry for so many pictures but otherwise I wasn't able to convey the process properly.)


  1. Wow, you weren't kidding when you said it had layers upon layers! And I imagine each layer had emotions that went with it. I like the keyhole (as if saying there is a way out, an answer), and the closed eyed (which made me think of rest and peace). Wonderful!

    1. Thanks my friend, I've put the keyhole there after my post about the High Priestess. It never crossed my mind before to draw one. This is another example of how free making this kind of art is. :)

  2. Wow, what a process! I love how the first drawing started as just lines, then with eyes. And the layers seemed to each work something out, within you as well as on the canvas. I find the finished painting beautiful and light, in a way I really didn't expect based on the first couple of layers! Glad you allowed yourself to be so playful, and that you documented it so we could come along for a little bit of your journey :)

    1. Thanks Kerry! Yes I am glad I've taken pictures from the different stages of the painting for this blog as well as for myself for future reference. It has been a long time ago since painting felt so freeing :)

  3. It's absolutely wonderful, Ellen!!!!!!

  4. Wow Ellen! Congratulations on immersing yourself completely in the creative process! So much of the time we can get caught up in worrying about the outcome and completely miss this essential creative process. Wonderful work I love your colour sense!!!

    1. Thanks Catherine It was a scary dive at first but very soon I realized I still was able to swim and it didn't matter were I was going to :)
      Color: that means a lot to me coming from a gifted artist as yourself

  5. Thank you for sharing your process - this is very inspiring :) I'm intrigued by that keyhole - there is a real story here... Well done!

    1. Thank you Carol. I guess I need to find that key somehow :)

  6. There's something very cool about being able to see the steps in your process, like the successive layers are each a key part of really seeing the final product. Thanks for having the guts to share, and for sharing the full series of pictures!

    1. Hi Mary. As I've said it was a bit scary, but I am glad I did it. Reading these comments is a wonderful boost for my confidence :D

  7. It is really lovely, such colour. It is almost like there is a key to your mind, you only have to open the door, but with art like this, I imagine that door is already partly open, it just needs a good old fashioned kick.

    1. Thank you so much C.W.
      Yes sometimes when a nudge isn't enough a kick in the but will do the work.:)

  8. Wow! I love the outcome with this piece. The fish and the key grabbed my attention right off. Thank you so much for sharing your steps here. Keep your creativity flowing - that is the 'key.' Have a great week.

  9. Hi Cher. Thank you so much! The key was right in front of me. I just had to grab it. Now up to the next painting before the flow silts and gets murky :D

  10. It was interesting to not know where that process was going for the viewer, as much as I can imagine it was for you.

    Very freeing. And even though not all about the result, a nice conclusion :)

    1. Thanks Prince!
      The whole process was an adventure in paint! And sometimes you're lucky and find a gem at the end of the road. But I want to remember it was the journey that mattered the most

  11. HI Ellen!!!!!!! I couldn't read this post before, I love it!!!!! All and each one of the stages of the process are really beautiful and when I watch each one I find different messages too. Super beautiful your art my friend! A big kiss and Muchas Estrellas for a Star!!! :)

    1. I am glad you like it my fellow artist and thanks for being here!
      Many stars and a hugs
