Thursday, June 19, 2014

My most favorite card from The Chrysalis Tarot

Chrysalis Tarot, The Watcher, Queen of Mirrors
Instead of drawing a card of the day I've decided to flip through my deck and put aside every card that appealed to me in a special way. Then I picked up that pile and  repeated this until I had one card in my hand and it was…..
The Watcher - Queen of Mirrors (Cups)
Why did I pick her?  What appealed to me so much that she stood out from 78 cards?
It is an mixture of color, depiction and symbolism. I adore the blues of the nighttime combined with the soft purplish pink of her dress. The Watcher is beautifully portrayed. She radiates the wisdom and patience of a crone. Supported by her staff and accompanied by her owl she watches, learns and teaches us what she knows.
Her attributes are "contemplate and intuitive" and her role in this deck is of "the mystic". She will help you to tap into your intuition, to read the subtle signs around you in nature, and how to use this vast source of wisdom to guide others as well as yourself.
I've always imagined if I would grow old. (older than I am now J)  I would look like her. We have already our hair in common so that´s a start. I sometimes fantasies about me living in a little cabin in the forest with my books, my cards and a crackling hearth, An owl  is sitting in a nearby tree and a wolf is watching me from a distance. A young hare is jumping around in my garden. Only in my imagination I can be unafraid and completely relaxed while I'm alone in the woods watching the world go by.
So that’s why this card feels so special to me.
(To watch:
- to be alertly on the lookout, look attentively, or observe, as to see what comes, is done, or happens
- to look or wait attentively and expectantly
- to be careful or cautious.
- to keep awake, especially for a purpose; remain vigilant, as for protection or safekeeping:
- to keep vigil, as for devotional purposes.)


  1. She's lovely and appears grandmotherly to me. She seems to be watching on a whole other level - with her intuition as well as her eyes. I bet she could feel the emotions shift in a room without anyone even saying a word. :)

    1. I think she definitely could! When you look at her hand it seems if she feeling emotions in the winds.:)

  2. If I were still in deck buying mode, this one would certainly be in my possession. Thank you for sharing some images.

    1. Yes the images are gorgeous. I thought my wishlist was empty too,until I stumbled upon this deck

  3. This is a really beautiful card. I have been seeing a lot of activity surrounding this new deck, and the cards I've been seeing have really been lovely, so it's not a big surprise that it's become so popular so rapidly! I love that there is an element of the Hermit to this card - the wise woman in the wood at night, with the animals, the stars and the pine trees to keep her company. Wonderful!

    1. Yes is rather Hermit like. Perhaps a blend between the queen of Cups and the Hermit
      So far I am having a great time with this deck. Reading and playing with it as it is my first deck ever;)

  4. Nice pick. Very beautiful card. I have a feeling if I had this deck it would be very likely this would also be my pick. Wonder what's in her bag? :) A very worn and insightful tarot deck, a few gems and crystals, and of course a small notebook and pen. At least that's what I would have, lol. And the owl is a wonderful touch.

    1. Isn't it a dream of a bag!!! I suppose it is made of old greasy leather. Maybe she would also carry some remedies for injured forest animals.:D

  5. I am homeless in Monterey due to my own stupid decisions, trying to get off the grid, anyway I found the queen of mirrors card buried in the sand I've always considered myself a watcher, and I love the fact that this beautiful card came to me, soon I will be taking off to Wichita Kansas to find work and home and start over again, but this card will be coming with me everywhere from now on
