Friday, March 27, 2015

Follow Your Own Rhythm

Sacred Rebels Oracle, 5 Follow your own rhythm, Alana Fairchild

For today I've drawn “Follow Your Own Rhythm” from the Sacred Rebels Oracle.
A woman is graciously moving to the music of her body and soul. Her twirling skirt is blending  into the background. She is totally at ease with herself and her surroundings.
How often do we adhere to a tight schedule without given our own needs a second thought. We rush through the day, tick of our todo’s and in the evening, when we are exhausted, the only thing we want is to sit in front of the TV and eat crisps.
How much more healthy would it be if we would follow our own personal rhythm. Going with our own flow. When we pay close attention to that rhythm we can feel when it is time to act and when it is time to rest and recharge; when is time to play and create and when it is time to fill our well.
The same as with reconnecting with our inner voice from yesterday’s post, dancing to you personal rhythm is something which has to be regained step by step, moment by moment. With each step you will be more aligned with your inner rhythm. It will feel more natural each day to listen to you own heart beat, your body movements and you soul’s song.

I've only recently experienced how it feels not to listen to that rhythm. So often we keep going until it is almost too late. As if we don’t deserve to breath out, to take a pause. I wonder why we are so strict with ourselves when at the same time we are so loving toward others?


  1. Lately it seems I only have small portions of time to follow my rhythm; I figure if I can at least do it then, maybe I won't get out of practice. :D
    Loving these garden shots of your cards! What kind of shrub/flower is that?

    1. I can imagine how hard it is for you since your obligations are so demanding.
      That is why it makes me so glad to hear you can find some in between time for yourself to recharge.
      The garden shots were born out of necessity since I can't scan these cards due to their glossy finish but now I rather like them too :)
      The shrub is called Viburnum Tinus or Laurestine. We call it Snowball

    2. It's the old adage about how we need to be caring and loving toward and for ourselves, is just as important as be the same toward others.
      The longest journey is between the head and heart. There are many reasons why we ,especially as women. find this a difficult connection to make and to follow our own flow. I consider myself very fortunate to be in the situation I am in, with no one to concern myself with, but myself. There are advantages and disadvantages to both I think. Regardless we all have to find a rhythm to follow that is balanced. I think you Ellen are well ahead of the game if you have this awareness, because then you can work toward making change.

    3. And again it all comes down to balance. All roads lead to Rome I guess.
      Thanks for your input Catherine. I really appreciate this. Sometimes I wish I could take a magic potion and all would be well again, but then again that would be boring too. :D

    4. Oh I hear ya honey. Oh to be a fairy with a magic wand!

      Life is like a patched quilt, and that's what makes it colourful and beautiful too, even with the rough and worn patches. Sometimes you want to throw the old thing away, but most times you just wrap it around you and are grateful you have it!

    5. Amen to that! let's all snuggle in our blankie this weekend!

    6. Now that's a beautiful idea!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Ellen, I have a Viburnum carlesii (Fragrant Snowball) in my garden! I did a watercolour of it in my sketchbook back in 2012. It doesn't flower here in Canada until late May or June, so your season is way ahead of us here.

    1. This particularity kind flowers from October to June in areas where the winter is mild like our Dutch winters. I guess your winters are a lot colder.
      I've googled yours and it is lovely. Here it would flower in April so we are not that far apart :)

  4. So many things that get in the way of us following our own rhythm. For me, right now, it's my Little One - I have to get up when he wants, nap (if I can) when he lets me. Then there's the coming of "summertime", on a society-wide level we let ourselves be dictated to by clocks. There are more car accidents on Monday's after the clocks go forward than on the Monday's either side of it - because people are more tired from having to get up an hour earlier than they are used to! With these micro and macro obstacles, as well as everything else, it takes real attention to listen to ourselves...

    1. I suspect listening to our rhythm used to be a lot easier in the old days. I remember a nurse forbade me pick up M when she cried because "it was not her time yet" :D
      A little one can be very demanding but as mothers we have tendency to make it even more difficult for ourselves because we want to do everything perfectly. Back in the days when I had to follow their rhythms, it was best not to fight it but to flow with it and think: this too shall pass. Enjoy it while you can Chloe because it will pass to quickly when you look back

    2. Dreadful some of the things they used to do to babies (and still do in some places, I'm sure). When my first son was born, the hospital was trying to get volunteers for an experiment to see if babies could feel pain. Duh!! As you may guess, we didn't volunteer my son!
      As for it passing quickly, I know what you mean. I can hardly believe the Little One is a year old, now. As I said to one friend, the time has flown by on wings of lead :)

  5. I'm so glad you're back, Ellen! I certainly missed seeing your posts, but you're so right about the need to follow our own rhythms. I'm totally feeling this card right's lovely.

    1. I am glad too Olivia. Now, when I less pressure to write, the words come more easily. Slowing down helps to be aware of your personal rhythm too
