Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Six of Wands – Beginning is winning

Morgan Greer Tarot - Six of Wands
Today’s card is the Six of Wands from the Morgan Greer Tarot. This is the card of success, victory and accomplishments. At first I thought it to be more a card for after my 40 Day Challenge. How could I be sure if I would stick to it to the end. But then I realized that beginning this challenge is a victory in itself. I had overcome my fear of failure and I've set out on this journey with confidence  and good intentions. Yesterday I wrote that I wanted to take it day by day, step by step. No use aiming for the finish line while forgetting to enjoy yourself along the way. And that is what I am about to focus on: joy. I want to find joy and fulfillment in the present moment and I want to be proud of every little thing I achieve
In other versions of this card, you see the crowd cheering him on, holding the other wands up high. I suppose in this card they are standing behind him, knowing the main focus should be on the victor. In these five wands I see my supportive tribe like family and friends all over the world. 
Chloe commented the following this morning on yesterday’s post:” If you want to do it, I'm sure you'll get a lot out of it. And if you don't, then that will also be a learning for you :)
So whatever happens there is always a reason to bake a cake!


  1. I agree - celebrate it all if you can. :D Bring on the eggs and flour!

  2. It's interesting because although the Six of Wands is typically interpreted as success *after* a battle with a sense of return in light of your situation I can see it as the rider setting out on his journey with all the support and encouragement s/he needs for a successful endeavor. The fact that he's carrying the laurel wreath could be interpreted as his own confidence and belief in his fruitful completion of the journey.

    Anyway just my thoughts on an alternate view of this card as it relates to your experience. Thank you for sharing yourself so generously with your readers.


    1. Thank you for you thoughts on the subject Rose. That is what I like about blogging: getting some other view points and idea's from my readers about the cards I've drawn.
      It is very likely he has already got himself the laurel, just like I bought the presents for both my daughters graduation in advance absolutely certain they would pass their exams :D

  3. Yay for baking cake :D Finding joy is such a great focus, Ellen!

    1. Thanks Chloe! I will keep joy as my true North :)
