Sunday, February 15, 2015

Creating a Tarot Mandala around the Seven of Cups

This morning, when I was driving home after visiting my husband, I was thinking about this reoccurring theme in my daily draws: “Dream, dream,  dream….”
I thought it might be a good idea to play around with this theme and see what would come up. First I started to write down everything I wanted in life. And I wrote quickly without censoring. Next I grouped similar wants and needs together, making small clusters. For  the more abstract dreams I added some practical implementations:  For instance living a creative life will require some practice and dedication on my side.
Dream mandala Morgan Greer Tarot
Then the fun part came: Creating the mandala. I used the Morgan Greer Tarot for its beautiful simplicity, bright colors and up close imagery. (You can imagine what this mandala would have looked like if I had used the Joie de Vivre tarot  J)
I flipped through the deck several times, pulled out a few cards out, put others back again and so on. And all this while putting them in some kind of layout. I deliberately choose the Four Queens  with their Aces for the corners of my Mandela as an indication of my strive to become a more balanced woman. The rest of the cards are my hopes, my dreams and my challenges.... 


  1. What an excellent idea, and what a great visual to use when you're feeling lost or unsure of yourself. Well done, you!

    1. Thanks Bev!! It was very empowering, but most of all a lot fun. :D

  2. Hi dear Ellen! Brillant idea! I love your mandala! There is much for you to explore in it; it's inspiring, and to have it at hand, as your goals are achieving and see the progress of them :)
    I wish from my heart, all your dreams come true. Muchas Estrellas!!!!!

    1. That is so sweet of you!
      Maybe I will print it out so I can look at it whenever I want :)

  3. How very interesting

  4. Such a lovely idea, Ellen, and beautifully executed! And yes, definitely need a simple, colourful deck for something like this, or you lose all sense of perspective. In your mandala, I see practice and creativity and joy, searching for spirit, and listening to your own inner voice. Being playful, nurturing yourself, and travelling your path one step at a time :D

    1. You've spotted some major dreams there Chloe :)
      The good part about working with a tarot mandala is you can meditate with it again and again and each time different dreams will be emphasized.
      It reminded me also of the road map in the Seven of Air from the Gaian tarot.

  5. What a beautiful idea! I love this.

  6. Thank you Ellen....quietly filed away for future use!

  7. Love this, Ellen! And this deck is just perfect for it. I can imagine it being very meditative and healing to sit and stare at either the photo of the mandala in person. Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Steve. Yes it is, I had them all spread out on my bed and slowly a bunch of cards changed into this mandala. It was a wonderful experience :)

  8. Awesome Ellen,
    Thanks for sharing. I may have to give this a try. Sounds like such fun and so helpful for getting clear on what one wants.
    Sarah Dawn

    1. Thanks Sarah, it certainly was lovely playing with the cards this way. :)
