Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Sun – The Joy of Living

Joie De Vivre Tarot Paulina Cassidy  The SunFor this last grey and cold day of March, I’ve pulled the Sun from the Joie de Vivre Tarot.
Keywords: Enlightenment, energy, growth, vibrancy, bliss.
Drifting through the sky on a seahorse named Light, Flare carries a message of cosmic love and joy. His heart holds a flaming connection to the sun itself. With a childlike perspective, Flare's intentions are pure and his energy is vibrant.”
This got me thinking about how to find and hold on joy or a general sense of well being when things don’t go as you would like them too. I have to admit often my feelings tend to go all over the place, following the circumstances like a racehorse. Flare is riding his horse Light and wherever he goes and whatever he encounters he has a firm connection to the Sun. I guess that is the main issue. It is so easy to let go of this thin cord when we feel troubled and then we are adrift, lost in our vast ocean of emotions, negative thought patterns and repetitive sad stories. Each time we have to go find that cord again. What a waste of energy. Holding on this cord teaches us the joy of living in every circumstance.
So for day I intent to hold on to my Sun whatever happens. Mediation, prayer, gratitude, making art, writing, walking etc , are my main tools to accomplish this.

 What is your favorite way to keep your Sun close?


  1. I'm currently reading a book called "Everyday Holiness" (the Jewish practice of Mussar), and it reminded me how gratitude could be a strong cord for me:

    "An inner attitude or stance of thankfulness provides us with resources that help us face whatever we encounter in our lives. A grateful heart is a solid platform from which to reach out to take care of others as well as ourselves because this orients us toward the resources we have, not what we lack."

    1. As you know the practice of gratitude resonates very strongly with me. Thank you for this beautiful quote. :)

  2. We are in the 3rd day of sunny weather here so I will be celebrating by getting the lawn mowed :)

    1. Do I remember well that you chant while mowing??? Or something like that?

  3. Sounds like you need a play day. Give yourself permission to do all those things you mentioned that bring you joy and peace. I am having a Carolyn Day and you should have a Ellen Day. Oh and any day I should be receiving the deck of Celtic Lenormand, I will be excited to open a new deck.

    1. Ah an Ellen day! I think it was just that kind of day today!
      Have fun with the C.L. it is stunning!!

  4. I hope you are having a joyous day creating your own sunlight!

    Recently for me, it is getting lost in a good book...I was reminded of that joy when reading the Raven Cycle. I hadn't enjoyed reading in quite awhile. I should make a list of sunny things to do when everything else is grey.

    1. I did, thank you! Today it is easier: the Sun is shining brightly here :)
      Reading is something which I enjoy a lot too. Momentarily I am reading "The Passage" By Justin Cronin ( thanks to Sharyn)
      and...writing lists is always fun :)

    2. That's funny! One of my friends had recommended that book to me. I made note of it but haven't read it yet. I hope you are enjoying it! :)

    3. It's a good read and I am glad it is the first book of a trilogy :)

  5. Gratitude is definitely my top pick of ways to stay in joy - I write a gratitude journal every morning, and say a prayer of gratitude every night right before bed :) And staying with the beauty of the world, and appreciating that I can perceive it, are pretty good, too! Hope you're holding that cord joyfully, Ellen :)

    1. Gratitude is one of my main pillars of my spiritual practice too. Sometimes I keep writing in my journal until I can't think of anything else and than I keep writing trying to be grateful for the not so good parts in my life, because they have given a lot too :)
      I wish you a joyful weekend my friend

    2. Gratitude is one of my main pillars of my spiritual practice too. Sometimes I keep writing in my journal until I can't think of anything else and than I keep writing trying to be grateful for the not so good parts in my life, because they have given a lot too :)
      I wish you a joyful weekend my friend
