Friday, March 18, 2016

The Two of Cups – Mirror, mirror…

Original Rider Waite Tarot Two of Cups
My card for today is the Two of Cups from the Original Rider Waite tarot. This is the card about our relationships. Much like the Lovers but for me more about how we approach our loved ones on a daily base. In this card we see two people looking at each other and offering one and other a cup filled  with… probable lots of feelings and emotions and if we’re lucky with unconditional Love. They will except the cups without hesitation because they know and trust that what is in it will be beneficial and wholesome for the heart.
Relationships are our most profound teachers. We learn so much from the ones we love and care for. They are often like a mirror for our own feelings and  they are able to ignite dormant emotions in a split of a second. Sometimes we fight. We have to fight to resolve these unprocessed issues.  After releasing bottled up emotions like an angry or sad little child, it  is possible to start communicating on a more adult level. Only with people whom I absolutely trust, I find the courage to work through matters of the heart. And only from people whom I absolutely love, I do accept those emotional outbursts and possible conflicts. Because in these kind of relationships there is complete trust in and a profound acceptance of who we truly are.


  1. Beautiful insights about the Two of Cups! Makes so much sense. :)

  2. Probably full of feelings. So true. Yesterday I had a hissy fit and even swore to Rob. That was a surprise, we normally get along so well ;)

    1. So do M and I but this post did came from somewhere too :)

  3. I like how in the RWS version, the man is reaching out to the woman. It always takes at least one person to make the first move when mending fences. :)

    1. As long as it is not always the same person to do so :)

    2. That would make me want to go share my cup with someone new! :D

    3. Then I suppose after 27 years you and your DH have found a nice balance ☺

    4. I also see here that the woman is willing to let herself/her cup be touched, that's a different kind of brave :) Lovely piece, Ellen, and glad you are able to fight and love and trust!

    5. Yes although difficult, having the courage to be vulnerable is often the key to a good relationship :)

  4. One of the most challenging lessons of my Life has been to admit I am wrong and apologize. Now when I am wrong I own up to it, and reach out and tell the other, "I am sorry."

    1. It is still hard fro me but such a freeing thing to do :)
