Sunday, January 12, 2014

We can have it all, if we dare to dream

Yesterday, after an exchange of thoughts with Sycamore about her last post: “Where the Heart is” , I started thinking about how hard it is for many of us to discover what we really want deep down inside. My wishes are most of the time the “good girl” wishes  and I wonder if that is all there is. Could it be I am afraid of my own buried desires? Or perhaps  of my undiscovered “greatness” J. Sometimes we put our light under the basket instead of on a stand mostly out of a false sense of modesty. That’s how a lot of us were brought up.
And what have the cards to say about this? Well they couldn't be more clear today. I drew these three cards without set positions just to read them as a story-line:

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
The Four of Cups tells us how hard it is to find that one cup that gives us the most pleasure; our true passion. Some cups are just fine but mostly they contain convenient and dull wishes, which keep us satisfied in our day to day lives
The Knight of Cups challenges us to follow our intuition and to pick up that one cup that truly belongs to us, to channel all our creativity and passion into it and go for..
The World. This is how we all can feel if we treasure our dreams and follow through on them.
Gilded Reverie Lenormand
How we bring this wonderful idea into practice? That is when the Lenormand comes in play
Scythe+ mountain+ Child
For me it is becoming very obvious: We have to cut away inner blockages and let our inner child play. I am certain that trough playing and experimenting we are all able to find what really makes our soul truly sing. 


  1. You are so right! Girls especially were raised to be "good" and always put others first and yourself last when I was growing up. And the underlying implication was "never rock the boat." Always do what is expected of you. Which makes great little robots but not very happy humans! Those two decks work very well together. :)

    1. Perhaps now we are “old” enough to do something to make us happy without it being responsible or “good” .For today we could just make a list with all those things we wanted but never dared, weren’t allowed or we were told is wasn’t possible . It could be fun :D

  2. What a wonderful reading. It resonated very strongly with me as I'm in a Four of Cups, Seven of Cups stagnation right now trying to decide which cup is the one that truly resides in my heart. Thanks Ellen

    1. Your welcome! And what a coincidence because tomorrow I have planned a post about the seven of cups, so stay tuned :D

  3. Oh, I love your answer - to find what keeps us feeling playful and joyful. Makes me think of this guy with an unpronounceable name who talks about Flow - the things we do where we get so caught up in it we forget the time and everything else. For me, that is one good sign that something holds my heart, and is truly "fun", even if it is also officially "work" :)

    1. You mean,Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (lol)
      I think it is so important to keep on the look out for such things and even more important is to make time for them. :D
