Thursday, January 16, 2014

Drawing for the Full Moon in January

Yesterday I’ve celebrated the first full moon of this year. I’ve called it The Gray Moon. We have strange weather here: It isn’t as cold as usual . It doesn’t snow or freeze at all. But outside it is gray. The clouds are gray and it is just chilly, drizzling and dreary. This moon it is for me all about cleansing: inward and outward. After the excesses of the holidays, I feel like I have to prioritize what is really important for me and what I can live without easily. One of my goals for this year is to live a simple life and to be grateful with what I have rather than to long for what I don’t have. I believe in the principle of gratitude which teaches us we already have everything we need right now. This principle will color and warm this gray period of January as well as my own heart
After a short meditation I’ve drawn three cards from The Osho Zen Tarot for this Full Moon. (Keeping in mind my theme for this moon is Letting go.) I've found this spread on “Songs from the Wishing Tree” 

Osho Zen Tarot
1 What are my achievements for this moon period so far? Morality. The queen of Clouds. She is the most stiff and severe queen (of swords) I've ever encountered. I read in this card, my sense of morality is no longer a hollow shell of rules and regulations but more a result of awareness in what is going on. I’m trying to let go of the presumptuous notions of what is right and wrong and how one should act. Rather I try to assess the situation at hand and react according to what I believe is the right thing to do or say in that particular circumstance.
2 What are the highlights of this moon? Silence.
My first impression is I am happy I have picked up my meditation practice and I try not to skip it too often. I enjoy the inner silence, the peace and quiet that stems from meditating
The face in the sky is deep in meditation, a goddess of the night who brings depth, peace and understanding. Now is a very precious time. It will be easy for you to rest inside, to plumb the depths of your own inner silence to the point where it meets the silence of the universe.
3 What is the next step to take? Maturity. This card tells me to carry the inner balance, the peaceful tranquility I receive from my meditations  into my daily live. And to know this inner light can’t be dimmed by external circumstances. Practical this means not to let my girls,(and the rest of the family) push my buttons. I like to be able to maintain my inner calm and communicate with, instead of snap and yell at them. This  means letting go of control; of wanting everything to go my way and to realize we are three grown up women with our own responsibilities .
Pfff that will be hard J


  1. Oh wow, that queen made me think of our posts about being a "good girl" and trying to conform to that image. That would be one "hollow shell of rules and regulations" I would be glad to let go of!

  2. Morality, Silence, Maturity. Action speaks louder than words. :D

    1. Yes now is the time to get real and do something.:)

  3. Do you make moonwater at the full moon? I've gotten out of the habit here but I did it faithfully when I was undergoing radiation for breast cancer.

    1. I've read about it but never done it. I do sometimes bring my crystals outside when the moon is full and there'e no clouds

  4. I love how the deep blue, starry Silence ended up in the middle of your spread, a bridge, or meeting place, between the bright colors of Maturity and Morality. Do you like working with this deck? I never thought much of it, but seeing you use it here on occasion, it seems like a lovely deck for doing these kinds of meditations!

    1. I love this deck. It is gentle and Zenlike. It emphasizes on the importance of awareness in every situation This awareness always trumps the ego/mind therefore the swords suit has a bit of negative flavor. The pictures are beautiful and they read very intuitively. I use it mainly for my moon drawings,(new and full)
