Monday, January 20, 2014

Queen of cups: a pity party and caring for myself at the same time

Anna K Tarot Queen of Cups
Not feeling that well altogether. I first thought let’s skip a day from my daily draws. But then I thought, perhaps I could ask a question about  how to go about my day feeling like this. I’ve chosen the Anna K Tarot to answer my question and I've got the Queen of cups. And what a perfect mirror for me this is. She is sitting there on the rocks feeling sorry for herself and trying to ease her pain by pulling her feet and fingertips softly through the water.  I wonder what is in that cup. I hope it is a good glass of red wine.  The moon is waning  the stars are shining but she doesn’t notice it: To absorbed with her own pity party. Luckily she has also the capacity to stand up and take care of herself. Be kind and loving and understanding. Perhaps she’ll put the kettle on for a nice pot of chamomile tea. Because that is what you need when you had an appointment with the dentist this morning just for a checkup and instead also had a molar extracted L


  1. Oh bless you (and your mouth) - I hope you have an ice pack nearby. (((Ellen))) So what is something good that may come out of this unexpected pain? Could you have saved yourself a lot of problems later on down the road by dealing with it now? I think you need to splurge and do something nice to cheer yourself up. :)

    1. It seems I have to be this queen for M again who's anxiety for the dentist has woken up because of my experience from this morning :)
      Now I still have to do some errands and then I hope there will be some me time. I wish it was tomorrow already

    2. I'll be thinking of you both tomorrow! (((E and M)))

    3. Sorry, miscommunication. I wish it was tomorrow so my pain would be less (I hope) Wednesday M has her appointment.
      I have treated myself on a lovely soft and creamy chocolate mousse :D

  2. Aw :-( Sorry to hear about the dentist! Chamomile tea sounds about right to help soothe you. Sending hugs your way!

  3. Thanks Olviva. I appreciate and need it
    Still feeling bit sorry for myself

  4. Oh what a rude surprise from the dentist! You have my sympathy. And I love the Queen of Cups as your daily draw.

    1. Thanks for caring. And yes she is quote lovely.:)
