Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A quick three card Lenormand line

Since I am quite busy with cutting and pasting for my Soul oracle cards this will be a quick daily draw with my new Gilded Reverie Lenormand by Ciro Marchetti. It’s good to take a short break from collecting pictures and flipping through magazines because the images are already effecting me emotionally although they aren't even pasted on a card yet J
The cards for today are bear + tree + mountain:

Gilded Reverie Lenormand
  • An authority with a traditional background is causing problems
  • A strong woman has health issues which are hindering and frustrating
  • Deep rooted jalousie can block you from moving forward

It feels good to search for various interpretations for this line. I've seen this on Chloe’s blog  “Inner whispers” and it keeps you from getting stuck with ready made answers: a tree isn't always about heath.
For today I've chosen the second interpretation. My health isn't that great and it so frustrating to feel you are getting older. This morning I went outside on my bike again. It was freezing a little and the sun was shining. A great ride. After this post I am going to do my exercises (physiotherapy) So I do try to maintain a healthy lifestyle but my joints aren't what they used to be.


  1. Hi Ellen!!! Looking at these cards I can see that probably it refers to a man with strong personality of your family or of the past, as the tree means too, your roots, or a relative; and the mountain may be too, challenges. What do you think about this?.
    I like very much the bike but in this city it's impossible, it's full of cars and buses, so we have to go to a more suburban place to ride for a while. I hope you be very well !!!! :) Muchísimas (=many many lots) Estrellas!!!!!!!

    1. It is possible. If so, they would refer to my husband. His personality can be challenging :)

    2. I am not sick It just my neck still hurting and now my knee and ankle are aching too due to arthrosis. And I just find it hard to except when it hurts if you want to move.

  2. That is tough, Ellen - it can feel like our own body is betraying us, at least that's how I've felt at times. Still, I've always managed to adapt and find things I can still do and enjoy, as you've done with your bike. So, a long path, but also a worthwhile one - another interpretation of the Mountain :)

    1. Yes these setbacks do show I'm not willing to give up yet.:) thanks!

  3. The bear in the water makes me think of healing and the tree growth (which seems to be a theme in your readings lately). The mountains are the challenge of both - not impassable, but something that will take time, perseverance and effort. (((Ellen)))

    1. Lovely how you read these cards more intuitively.Yes it will be a challenge, but worth the effort
      Thanks for the ((())) :)

  4. Ooo fun.. :) So maybe it could also mean something like: obstacles that impact healthy income flow. Or a slowing of what was previously a steady income or cash flow. A bike ride does sound nice… maybe I should do that later!

    1. Do you read bear as money? I thought that was the fish card??

    2. Hehe, Fish is often the money card, but Bear can also represent investments, or the flow of money :)

    3. I didn't know that Thanks! :)
