Friday, August 18, 2017

Ace of Air – Being honest with ourselves

This morning M. and I went shopping at a local metaphysical store and she gifted me a gorgeous piece of tumbled Sodalite. This stunning deep blue stone with white calcite veining is a stone of clarity, honesty, and truth. For me, it is a perfect stone to help to express myself more truthfully in my writing. The card I picked to go with this stone today is the Ace of Air from the Vision Quest Tarot. The feather in the depiction reminds me of a quill pen, so it fits wonderfully with my intention for this piece of Sodalite.
Although I am a fervent journaler and creative writer, it is sometimes hard for me to be really genuine and authentic in my writing.  Too often I am inclined to shy away when I touch upon painful subjects or I find myself smoothing over a difficult situation.
Yes, even in my journal, my safe place, my sacred space, I sometimes, mostly unwittingly, wear a mask instead of being true to myself.
I sincerely hope this stone will become a key for me to open the doors to my inner realms, to help me be confident enough to seek for the right words to write down what I find there and to bring me inner peace when I am done.
While writing this I realize it is a great stone for shadow work.

“Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Thomas Jefferson


  1. I don't think it matters how or where we are honest with ourselves, as long as we do it. The internet isn't such a great place to lay open what's inside yourself though, so I agree that a private journal can be a better choice. :)

    1. Yes a journal is indeed the safest place but first you have to give yourself permisson ot be honest. Often feelings like raging anger or deep hurt is too uncomfortable to deal with and then when you write about it it even gets more real. So it is tempting to shove it quicikly under the carpet again as if nothing has happened

  2. Beautiful photo. Your creativeness shows in everything you do.

  3. Oh my goodness, I find myself doing the same thing most of the time. And if I am frank in one of my journals I live with fear that whomever finds it randomly and read they will not accept me and judge me. I even started a blog with a complete fake name and created a new email address for it so I can be frank, but after a couple blog posts, I couldn't do it. I felt disingenuous. I can write and mention the good happy times, but when it comes to problems and issues I still struggle to share.

    1. Fake journalers unite!! It happens to a lot of us. The fear of being caught runs deep. "What if my girls will read it after I am dead" is my greatest fear. But today I realised if I can't be free in my journal then where the can I be free?
      Also there is a great difference for me between blogging and journaling. Althouth I do share personal things on my blog, most of my personal thoughts end up in my journal
      Thank you Veronica for stopping by and leaving this comment.

  4. Thank you! I will make the effort to pour my heart out and be as real and as authentic I can be in my journal. I would like to make that promise to myself today. Even if I start with one sentence a day to say how I'm doing today, or how I feel today. I'm inspired. And I have a couple of sodalite hearts that I can use too. 😀 Thanks for the inspiration Ellen!

    1. You're so welcome my dear. It is so inspiring for me to read how you can relate to this post and how it makes a difference to your writing practice

  5. Such a beautiful post which really resonated. I have had similar thoughts I don't have an abswer but I send you love ❤️

    1. Love is always wonderful too receive. If we would love ourselves more honesty wouldn't be so difficult :)

  6. Ellen any one who journals has the same fear of being found out and exposed! I know I find myself writing something off the wall and I think oh my God if some one ever read this! But I think I've reached the point of having so many long hand journals, I really couldn't care less. If someone is that curious to bother to read them, pages and pages of endlessly boring gobbledygook, they'd be just as foolish as what I sometimes write! They deserve what they get! So there!

    Great combination of your card feather and Sodalite, perfect!

    We have a number Gem and Mineral shops here and what's called the Rock Hound Round up in Parrsboro Nova Scotia. People came for all over. You can comb the cliffs in Nova Scotia and find Amethyst, my very favourite! I've never been the the Round-up but certainly want to go!

    1. I agree that reading some one else's journal is your own responsibility but still I cringe when I think about it.
      It must be an amazing experience to find crystals yourself. I sjust watched a YouTube video of tis Round-up. You definitely should go, it is amazing.

  7. Beautiful Stone. Great post and comments. I don't have much trouble letting it out and pour all over the page. My problem is actually keeping the page, but I guess that isn't that much of a problem. Getting it out is the main objective. My privacy was invaded when I was a teen by an ex-boyfriend. He read my diary and then had the nerve to question me about some of the entries. I burned it and never really had another diary/journal after that. Now that I'm thinking on it all of my writing ended that day. I never even connected the two. I didn't pick it back up until I was in my thirties. I'm fine with sharing my fiction. But when it comes to personal journaling, I end up throwing the pages in the trash weeks or months later - destroying the evidence. It's not really about what I wrote though, it's about the fact that I wrote it for me and would be deeply hurt if my privacy was invaded again. Thanks for the post! You've helped me dig a little deeper than usual.

    1. My dear Cher,I am so sorry this has happened to you. I can't imagine how much this must have hurt your feelings and your sense of safety. I would strongly suggest you give this journaling another go. Perhaps with something password protected or a special email account where you can email your entries to yourself. Besides writing in a journal, it can also be very beneficial to reread your entries, to see where you've come from, what themes a reoccuring etc.
      I hope you wil be able to let go of this fear someday and permit youself the freedom to write what down what ever you feel like.

  8. This was really interesting for me to read, as it made me realise that I do this, too. Not writing some of my deepest, hardest emotions on paper. Not sure if it's the fear of someone else reading them, or of 'making it real'. I do express them, out loud, in a particular release meditation I do... in the privacy of an otherwise empty room 😄

    1. Giving a voice to our deeper emotions might be something I would like to try for myself. Speaking them out loud is more fleeting then writing them down.
      Thank you for sharing this idea
