Thursday, August 24, 2017

Three Card Spread – Keep checking in with yourself

For today I have decided to do the Within-Without-Advice spread with the Smith Waite Tarot. The cards I drew fit perfectly with my previous post about my attempt to create a “Free-Flowing routine” in order to establish some fulfilling and more healthy habits.

Within – Eight of Pentacles
It seems I feel quite content with the result of my new routine. Working with it brings structure in my life and a great deal of satisfaction. Gradually I will get better in maintaining my new and still fragile set of habits.
Without - The Chariot
Look at me I am riding on the wind. Just doing great. Oh no, not quite the movement I was expecting. Yes, this chariot has left the city behind the walls but now, in his concrete wagon he is going nowhere. It looks very impressive on the outside world but what is going on the inside of the charioteer?
Advice – The King of Cups
This is for me the archetype of the healer. He is our inner therapist, the part of ourselves that is able to distance himself of the problem at hand. He urges you  to find out what is really going on.
Yes it is obvious I am already trying too hard; becoming too rigid in my efforts although my intent was to stay compassionate with myself  and surrender to the flow of the day. This is so me: wanting to do my very best, even if it is not the best for myself. So I will take this advice at heart and I will proceed more slowly, more gently and more consciously about how I am feeling.


  1. I love seeing the King of Cups as our inner therapist - that's brilliant! It is hard to stay enthused enough to keep progressing when we start a new routine. Perhaps just tossing in a little something new (yet easy to do) might help (for me that could be as simple as walking in a new area or trying out a new meditation).
    Sending a hug of encouragement. :)

    1. Thanks bev! If I had discover this earlier it would have safed me a lot of coin :)
      I agree we have to spice it up a little bit sometimes but in my case is is more that I am to eager to succeed, a flaw of mine which I have been struggling with since childhood and which is often quite crippling.
      So letting go of the reins a bit will help me to rely on my instinct and intuition more

  2. the idea the chariot is frozen is good. Much of this deck is frozen I think. One of Smith's occupations was as a scene painter, hence the strong foreground, and line of background in most cards

    1. Yes, some of the cards in her deck are indeed stage cards.That does make the pictures somewhat stiff. Also the harsh black contours of the drawings add to this feeling.

  3. I love laying out several of the cards and seeing the story line they relay. Different interpretations on different days by ourselves and by others. Nice reading.

    1. Funny you should mention this. Later this day the same cards also related to an issue I had with my family. Tarot is such a versatile and multi layered tool :)

  4. I love the Within-Without-Advice spread you used. Will have to give it a try soon. I need to pay more attention to the King of Cups in my life as well. :)

    1. Thanks Zanna! It's from the Mary El guide book. You'll notice this King is a great listener
