So what feeling
is he stirring within me when he looks at me with piercing eyes, while sitting on this throne, holding his sword firmly in
his hand?
The strict
teacher, always being judged, never being good enough, a warning finger,
criticism, he sometimes feels like a nightmare version of Santa.
Just yesterday
I thought that a gentle reminder list could be more efficient for me than a todo
list with boxes to tick off. But today it almost feels like he doesn’t agree with this at all. But then I realized
this king is a part of my personality: My inner critical Ellen. Always on the
lookout to find something I messed up or
failed to do.
Luckily like
all tarot cards this King has also positive traits, So for today I am going to list as many as I can think of or find in my reference
The first
few: Quick decision making, committed, abiding
by self imposed rules, has his way with words, writer, diplomatic, problem solver,
unbiased, ethical….. etc etc etc
Perhaps I was too quick to judge (neg. king again) and maybe he is not
such a bad guy after all