Saturday, July 16, 2016

Two of Water - Kinship of Souls

This morning I felt like blogging again and I pulled the Two of Water from the Vision Quest Tarot. My initial thoughts were: “What a perfect energy for a great weekend!”and I immediately pulled another card on how to find and hold on to this feeling of harmony and bliss; of giving and receiving love without any conditions…. And I got the Son of Air …mmmm.
Vision Quest Tarot Two of Water Vision Quest Tarot Son of Air

He is not an aspect of us that is selfless and peaceful. More the part that wants to be right all the time and wants to be heard at any cost, as long as he gets the message across. And then it struck me. These two cards can also be interpreted on a global scale. Because we all know what happens if we cannot let our inner Son of Air rest in the stillness of unconditional love…
Everything that happens around us starts somewhere on this earth on a personal level: the proverbial drop in the pond. So for today I want to mindful that my small droplets are filled with love and kindness, not only in word and deed but also in thought and prayer
Maybe one day soon we will realize that separation is an illusion and that we are all one.



  1. Peace in my heart.
    Peace in my home.
    Peace in my world.
    I agree - we need to attend to those little drops within us, as they can become healing waters or an angry flood. Great post!

    1. Thanks Bev! Let's flood the world all together with Love, Kindness and Compassion
      Beautiful prayer/blessing!

  2. our inner knights can also keep us out of the line of fire.

    1. Yes, they do have a protective energy too :)

  3. Thank you Ellen! Yes and yes and yes... more love.
    Feeling the call to send great love and compassion out to those who are feeling their need to choose sides right now, so that we can all heal our loss of each other. xoxoxo I'm so glad I found this reading today!

  4. You said you were not that happy with the Son of Air, maybe those 2 hands in the Two of Water need to reach out and give him a hug. If someone you knew was hurting and in need of a hug, would do that? Yes! What other comfort would you offer them? NOW do that for yourself.

    1. If I only was able to give myself what I gladly give others....
      Even to remember this is difficult. SO thank you for that

  5. Sometimes you just have to fake it til you make it! It took a lot of healing and then practice for me to learn how to really extend the same real love and compassion toward myself that I extended to others.
    Not caring about myself enough I think is really a kind of self-centeredness in that I insult my Creator, because the Creator doesn't make junk! Believing this in the center of my being is a great affirmation.

    1. The Creator doesn't make junk!I remember you using this quote before! I think caring about myself will always be a work in progress since it doesn't come natural anymore :)

  6. I empathize Ellen. I'll always be a work in progress too. Humans are all a work in progress, otherwise we wouldn't be in the mess we are in, in this world and we'd be perfect.
    Once we stop thinking we aren't a work in progress then we're in real trouble. Hugs <3
