Monday, July 4, 2016

Seven of Pentacles - Permission to take a step back

Yesterday I asked for my daily draw: “what do I give myself permission for?” and I got the Seven of Pentacles. What a welcome card it was. I am not feeling too well lately and I this card is telling me not to get worked up about the things I think I need to do but rather take a step back and see how far I’ve come already; to really appreciate what I have accomplished. Also this card grants me permission to think about how to move forward
Since the Seven of Pentacles really hit home for me, I decided to make it a part of the three card spread:

Original Rider Waite Tarot Four of Pentacles Seven of Pentacles Six of Pentacles

Where do I come from? The four of Pentacles. No wonder I am so tired lately. Clinging to what energy, time and resources I have left is energetically draining me. This is a card of fear for scarcity, the inability to let go of controlling everything and the lack of trust that the Universe will provide what I need the most.
Where am I now? the Seven of Pentacles. A perfect card for after the Four of Pentacles, because we all know what will happen when the Four of Pentacles becomes a Five of Pentacles !!! So taking a step back during whatever you are doing, to find out how your are doing is always smart thing to do.
Where am I going? The six of Pentacles. The flow of resources. It is not important what our position is in this flow as long as the resources are flowing from one to the other. Sometimes we are giving freely and sometimes we have to ask  for help. Maybe that is a good thing to consider too when we are taking that step back; do we need help in any way? So hard to ask but such a gift to our loved ones because how will they know what we need if we don’t speak up? And how will we know what we need if we don’t take a moment to find out?

These pentacles are giving me a lot to think about but not without wishing all my American readers a happy Fourth of July!


  1. I don't always read the Four of Pentacles as being miserly. Sometimes it can remind me that I need to be a better steward of my own resources - not just finances, but my health, time and energy too. The Seven seems like a great card to draw in order to figure out what is going on and consider the options you have for a solution. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Your interpretation is very valid in this context too Bev. I've not been a good steward at all. I've been giving away my too much of my resources without keeping an eye out if there would be enough for me too :)

  2. Whew that's lot of pentacles. I love 3 card spreads especially when we draw the cards on either side to give us more depth of understanding of the central card, theme, issue. Given all that, today while entrenched in all that earthyness, do not forget about balance. It takes all the elements of nature to give us balance. With all that earth, bring in a little fire, air and water. Bright Blessings

    1. Thanks Carolyn for you advice! Especially the Water and Fire part is often overlooked by me. I do have a strong inclination for air though :) (no surprise there I guess)
