spread is called: “Afraid in the dark spread”. I've found it somewhere on the internet a long
time ago:
1 What am I afraid of? – Mannaz - self
A well-known
self confidence issue I guess. When do I
stop apologizing for being me? When do I start believing in the wonderful me
that I am. And when do I stop hiding this woman for the rest of the world. It is
so hard to live an authentic life. To embrace both the light and the dark
aspects of myself. I don’t have to be perfect; I just have to be brave enough to be me
2 What will turn the light on - Ten of Swords
Well this
is definitely not the card I wished for. I would have preferred something like the Ace of
Cups. But fate has decided otherwise. Ten swords are sticking in this massive bull. The last sword has even blinded him. This is a low as a person can go: Beaten down by his outdated and ridged thought patterns and fears. Before we
can move on, our stubborn like a bull of an ego has to hit rock bottom and has to
let go of everything he believed in including his melodramatic stories of “poor
Today is
new day and we can build up our Self, our Mannaz, one step at the time, filling
it with confidence and inner strength: with ideas and stories
which will empower instead of crush us.
So in
the end this card was a appropriate gift for today. A gift which heralds change
and a bright future ( look how the upper half of this card is more bright than the lower half)
(NB. Rereading this post and my previous one, it
seems that the issue of self confidence is a reoccurring theme in my daily
I was curious as to what James Ricklef's book "Tarot Affirmations" would have to say about the Ten of Swords since it falls in a "do this" spot. The one quote that stuck out to me was: "Experience life without over-analyzing it." That's something I have trouble doing too!
ReplyDeleteFor me this is difficult too. I am kind of a brooder and a thinker. Swords is the suit I identify the most with.
DeleteIt is a great affirmation for people like us. :)
I love when you combine cards with runes.
ReplyDeleteIt amazes me how well they fit together! :)
DeleteThis is somewhat of a relieving combination, in that the 10 of Swords can be so encouraging insofar as being aware of the need to let go and rebuild. I love how you are using the runes in combination with the Tarot. I might try that out as I haven't used my runes in a while!
ReplyDeleteThe more I use them in combination with the tarot the more natural it feels
Delete"The Need to let go" refers seamlessly back to Nauthiz of my previous post :D
Please let me know your experiences when you do start using your runes again
First, let me say thank you for beginning to use the runes. At least a year ago they called to me. I purchased a book, Nordic Runes by Paul Rhys Mountfort, a few months ago. But, I kept telling myself to wait till had completed other activities.
ReplyDeleteHis interpretation of Mannaz is different than you have in your post. I've noticed different sources on the web produce different interpretations. I think you'll appreciate this alternate version. I've been pulling a rune and then writing down shorten versions of his words. I've only pulled two so far, Mannaz was one of those.
Humanity: mannaz (Man) - gifts, talents, abilities; unleashing creative potential; love/relationships
I agree with you that there are so many interpretations of the runes. Mannaz if often associated with the Magician.So the unleashing creative potential is certainly one of its aspects as are many more. When I combine a rune with a tarot card I usually chose the aspect which speaks to me most clearly and for this reading is was the fear of all these human qualities; of being myself, of being (wo)man
DeleteBeing a member of society is an aspect of Mannaz to me but ion my opinion love and relationships are for me more connected to Gebo and or Wunjo
So you see reading the runes is a very subjective and intuitive subject. I am glad you like these posts and I am looking forward to hear more of you personal experiences with the runes
I really appreciate your interpretation of these Tarot-Rune combinations, Ellen. And that spread looks to be a very useful one. I must try it sometime.
ReplyDeleteThanks Zanna. Yes it is a very useful spread: short and swift. Just the way I like them. Sometimes I like to pick the first card face up to represent my fear and then draw the second one to tell me how to face it
DeleteSelf-confidence is a work in progress. Guilt and shame are mostly unproductive personally but do serve a purpose as a conscience gauge, but mostly these two spiritually debilitating feelings are crippling and unhealthy in my experience. I had to learn about both and then know, understand and believe I am so much more then a guilt and shamed based human being, and then I began to free myself from that heavy burden.
ReplyDeleteIt is almost as I am excavating my true self from under thick layer of debris of made of shame and guilt gathered over the years. It feels freeing but also a bit vulnerable as if those layers were in their own way a kind of protection too
DeleteThat's a great description Ellen.