Monday, April 13, 2015

Finding some spiritual peace

Conscious Spirit Oracle, Crown Chakra, Kim Dreyer
Today's card is Crown Chakra from the Conscious Spirit Oracle by Kim Dreyer.
The crown chakra is our link to Source energy, to the Divine, to our higher self and even to the celestial hand in the Ace of Cups from yesterday’s post .
When this chakra is fully opened and all its thousand petals are unfolded we can experience pure love and spiritual peace. We finally come to the understanding that One is all and all is One. We can experience the Divine for what it truly is and receive guidance when we need it. Some say we can even reach enlightenment.
As you all know by now, from time to time I have those periods when I doubt about divinity ,how to connect to the divine and a lot of other spiritual questions. Well  lately the same old questions has been on my mind again: Am I on the right path? Who says I am not totally lost without knowing it? Who is God(dess), What does the God of my child hood thinks of my defection?
One moment I find myself praying to a loving deity and the other moment I think I am completely nuts. But this morning just before I drew this card I was singing in the car to God(dess) and suddenly it struck me God(dess) is everything and everywhere and always. It is not about “instead of” but more about “in addition to”. To me God(dess) is every divine energy from every culture or time. So if I want to see God(dess) as a Germanic Deity and the next day as my childhood father in heaven it doesn’t matter, because they all originate from the same Source energy.

Of course this isn't really anything new but for me today it felt like I was the woman in this card, feeling like I had some kind of earth shocking revelation while driving home with all my groceries. Sometimes you just have to review old ideas again to really grasp their meaning


  1. The author Kellie Elmore said, "Sometimes the only way to find yourself is to get completely lost." She's not the only one to express this idea. I think about the World Tree card from the Wildwood - the maze that leads you to fulfillment and completion... imagine how lost we feel so many times, and yet everything we experience is leading us further along our path. There is a lot of divine mystery in losing our way :) I like the fact that your revelation occurred while driving home!

    1. Well I usually sign will driving so nobody will comment when I am out of tune :)
      Seeing "losing my way" like this sound like the symbolism of a fairy tale: How many maidens have been lost in the woods before they were rescued. :)
      Thanks for pointing out the World from the WWT.

  2. I'm getting to the point where I trust my experience over whatever else I read or someone tells me. If I feel better and more at peace when I hold an idea or do a certain practice, then that's all the affirmation I need to keep believing or doing it.

    1. So you never doubt along the way about your beliefs?
      Maybe my feelings are bit more fluctuating then yours.......

    2. Maybe that's it: the heart knows but the head doubts!

  3. Well thought. One is all and all is One. In the end it all comes back to that universal source, why should it matter what names or deities we choose to associate with it. Change things up if it feels right. That's the conclusion I've pretty much come to recently myself...

    1. I was always hesitant to shift between names and practices. It felt so disloyal. But yes, One is all and all is One. This is such a relief and I am happy you've come to the same liberating conclusion. :)

    2. Too many people get hung up by their bloomers in a tree, in the woods, trying to define 'religion' or the Creator. I'd much rather be on the ground wondering around lost or sometimes feeling lost because I know eventually I'll find my way.
      Some days are diamonds, some are stones. Can't have faith without doubt. Human beings can't be spoon fed, blind unthinking, unfeeling robots, that someone else programs.
      Having doubts is a good thing. It means I'm thinking about important stuff when I'm getting my groceries! What's in my mind isn't always reality. I'd rather listen to my heart most times, but the two are sure connected.

    3. In hindsight I always recognize that I was lost in the woods for a while but when I am wandering around aimlessly it hard to trust I will find my way again.
      Keeping heart and head connected it the hardest part for me. I am such a swordy person who tries to rationalize her way out of every situation :)


  4. For sure head and heart is the challenge.

    Ellen, if you get a chance go look at my latest post on my art blog about Inanna's Descent a video interview with Maureen Murdock who wrote the book, 'The Heroine's Journey'. Oh my! It was so wonderful to listen to her talk about this Sumerian myth, as I so could relate as she talked about the Mother God. I think you will find it really helpful.

    1. It was indeed Catherine. Thank you so much for this. Looking at my severe depression (about 5 years ago) as it was a descent into the underworld were the dark mother lives is such a beautiful way of seeing it.

  5. I'm reminded of Rumi who writes so eloquently of this...'Come, come whoever you are, Wanderer, Worshipper, Lover of Leaving, it doesn't matter, ours is not a caravan of despair. Even if you've broken your vows a thousand times, come yet again.'

    1. Rose thank you for sharing the Rumi quote that is beautiful. I so love Rumi!

  6. Thank you Rose. This is so beautiful. I will write it down so I won't forget it.

  7. Thank you Rose. This is so beautiful. I will write it down so I won't forget it.
