Friday, May 13, 2016

Four of Spirals - Clearing energy

Chrysalis Tarot Four of Spirals Brooks  SierraYesterday,  I got the Chrysalis Tarot Companion book in the mail and so far I love reading it. In this book Toney Brooks shares the underlying themes and motives of this gorgeous deck and he explains a lot about the symbolism in the cards. It really creates a more in depth understanding of this beautiful but often challenging deck.
For today I drew the Four of Spirals. We see a cozy little cottage with a thatched roof deep in the forest. Four spiraling ferns are standing in the foreground. It is nighttime and the little house is bathing in the light of a promising crescent moon. Now who wouldn't want to live there!
This card is all about clearing energy in every form possible. It could be about getting rid of physical clutter and all kinds of stuff gathered over the years but not adding anything to your life’s happiness anymore. (Very difficult for me since I am a Taurus and I am very attached to my "stuff".) It could also be about letting go of old ideas and preconceived notions and last but definitely not least it could be about clearing actual energy. The book talks about how we first need to clear energy before new energy can enter our “house”. Sometimes opening our windows literally and metaphorically can do the trick.  However you want to accomplish this is okay and when you have finished sweeping your house,  it is time to enjoy the solitude of your Harvest Home and put the broom outside. Then, as the guidebook suggests,  you can go upstairs and look out of the fresh polished window into a bright inviting future where anything is possible.

I must say that reading this book acquires an open mind and a susceptibility for new ideas about how to perceive life, the universe, the otherworld etc.  But at the same time it all feels so familiar and so easy to combine with what I do believe already. These ideas do open windows and doors which were locked before. They promote togetherness instead of separation.


  1. I love that you stated it is illuminated by the Crescent Moon. Today/tonight is the waxing crescent moon or the 1st quarter after the New Moon last Friday.
    When I was a child and I still do it every New Years day or at the strike of midnight, we opened the back door and the front door; sweeping out the old year and sweeping in the new year. Your post reminds of me of that. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes I've noticed that too and I loved the synchronicity. :)
      What a wonderful and amazing ritual Carolyn! Thanks you for sharing that part of you life with us

  2. So what suit do the spirals represent in RWS language? I love those unfurling fern fronds!

    1. They represent the Wands and so they stand for energy and spirit

  3. It must be great to finally have more in depth insights into the deck. I have both the deck and book on my wishlist. :)

    1. Yes is surely is. I hope you will enjoy your new tarot set a lot. It helps when you approach it with a beginners mind :)

  4. This is such a great post, Ellen. You have really brought the card alive and made it resonant. As someone who likes her 'stuff' while at the same time needing an uncluttered space to live in I'm often at odds with myself lol. I'm encouraged to get the book, as you say the deck is challenging, more of a Taroracle.

    1. Thank you Rose, The book is definitely worth buying! It encourages you to let go of the RW meanings and treat it like a whole new Tarot system. I liked the deck already but now I love it even more

  5. I am in two minds about getting the book, but you make it sound very tempting. I always enjoyed Toney's blog posts... Love what you say about it being like spring-cleaning your perspective :)

    1. Personally I think it is definitely worth buying but I already loved this deck a lot, so for me it was a must have. :)
