Monday, May 2, 2016

Ace of Wands – Anything is Possible

Wild Unknown Tarot Ace of Wands
Today is a special day for me. It’s the day before my birthday. This last year has been over all a good year for me. It has taught me a lot and although it was not always easy, I am sitting here behind my laptop with a cup of coffee next to me, smiling and  feeling quite content. Life goes on and I am getting older and I dare say I think I am getting a tad wiser too.
Today’s card is the Ace of Wands from the Wild Unknown Tarot. What a beautiful energy to embrace today and to take with me into my next year. This is the card of  unbridled possibilities and options. A very inspiring card too! Just by looking at it you can feel the fire burning inside, the urge to go do something; anything. Just jump in and enjoy yourself. Don’t  fret about if it is going to be worth the effort or if what you are creating is good enough. Fuel your fire with experiences. And learn while you play; just like children do.
We can only conceive our ideas  to a certain extent  in our mind but then we have to pick up our tools and make it happen. Write, cook, sew, paint, draw, sculpt, bake etc There are countless ways to express ourselves and do what makes us stand out in this world. For whatever we make, it is unique. Each mark has our own distinct energy and is the signature of our soul.
Today I have written this post, baked a apple pie for my birthday with M and I drew a girl’s face.

What mark are you going to make today?


  1. Inspiration is what motivates me to get out of bed on many mornings. :) I love this depiction because it shows both flowers and leaves. Hope you have a lovely birthday tomorrow, full of fun with a dash of mischievousness added to it!

    1. It is indeed a beautiful vibrant version of this Ace
      A dash a off mischievousness... mmm.. I wonder what that could be ?? :D

  2. here is to a wonderful special day, celebrating life, and many happy returns. By acknowledging today, you get two. Clever girl!

    1. Thanks Sharyn Not two days but three! I also include a free day for myself after my birthday Extra Clever :D

  3. Happy Birthday times. We have all come so far in Life we are entitled to take several days to celebrate our birthdays. So enjoy your festivities. Go play, dance, sing, paint, enjoy.

    1. Thank you Carolyn and I certainly will!!

  4. I love the energy and vitality in this card :) Wishing you a very Happy Birthday tomorrow Ellen xo :D

    1. Thank you Carol
      This card radiates energy, doesn't it.

  5. Such a great vibrant card to celebrate with! Have a wonderful and happy birthday!

  6. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday today Ellen! I must have sensed I needed to check on your posts and so happy I didn't miss this day!

    A grand card to draw!

    When I can jump in and not sit around waiting to get motivated it's makes me happy and grateful to be alive!

    Here's to another great year for you Ellen, and many more to come my dear sweet friend! <3 Big Happy Birthday Hugs!

    1. Thank you Catherine for stopping by today and for your heartfelt wishes!

  7. Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a fabulous day.

  8. Birthday Blessings to you, Ellen, on this 'free' day you've given yourself. I hope your actual day was filled with things you love.

    1. Thank you Rose! It was a lovely day indeed :)

  9. Happy, Happy Birthday, Ellen! I sent you a message on IG on your special day, but two places is better than one ;-). You are so right... it is one thing to have the inspiration...and another thing to usher it into being. Lately I feel that I have a lot of thoughts, things I'd like to write about, but then I often feel so overwhelmed by the busy-ness of my life lately that taking the time to "sit and do" has been a challenge. I think I just need to push a little harder, perhaps!!!

    1. Thank you Olivia for all your birthday wishes!
      I've noticed that the harder I push to create the more difficult it becomes. Perhaps it is more like deciding to stop fighting and to become a channel which creativity can flow through. This will make you vulnerable and it is scary: Letting go of control and all expectations.
      I wish the day will come soon when you have the time and space to write my dear

    2. Thank you!! It is quite frustrating to have a good idea, not have the space to write it out, and then have the idea fade away over days. I have managed to find a bit of time today to put some thoughts together, fortunately.
