Monday, February 17, 2014

The Hanged Man: my dentist appointment

Universal WaiteTarot
For today’s card I have drawn The Hanged Man from the Universal Waite. I particularly like this depiction because the man looks quite relaxed in this awkward situation. He has a halo for enlightenment which is a symbol of The Hanged Man I don’t find in many of the other decks I have.
The Hanged Man is the archetype of the victim. There is a standstill and there is no room for change or action. Life is put on hold and mostly it is involuntary but sometimes we can welcome it. Who hasn't been in a difficult situation when suddenly you were “rescued” by the flu or a heavy snow fall
More often though we have to accept the situation and know we just have to wait it out. Rain, floods, boring family dinners, a broken leg; you name it.
But sometimes when you are in The Hanged Man position  you can be surprised by an unexpected insight or idea. Because the situation at hand is different than we are used to we tend to see things from a different perspective. Priorities can shift overnight, spiritual beliefs may change rapidly.

Today I have to go to the dentist and when the chair is reclined, I feel like the Hanged man with my mouth wide open at the dentists mercy.  I wonder if this visit will bring me some halo thoughts.


  1. If he gives you any "happy gas" there's no telling what thoughts you may have! :D Hope things go as smoothly, quickly (and painlessly) as possible.

    1. We don't use happy gas only local anesthesia :)
      Everything went well so the halo must be made of my happy and relieved feelings.

  2. Glad to know that your visit went well regarding your visit to the dentist, Ellen. Being anxious is a common feeling for a lot of people as well as kids before seeing the dentist. What I would usually do is try to calm and relax myself before going on an appointment. Good day! :)

    Jamie DeFinnis

    1. Thank you for stopping by. Never thought I would get a comment from a real dentist.Relaxing before I going is still hard. but I am not the anxious as I used to be anymore.
