Monday, April 17, 2017

Expressing Gratitude with the Wild Unknown Tarot

Today’s question: “what am I most grateful for?”  got me thinking about how,  when we express our gratitude, we often talk/write about the same daily experiences like: A sunny day, a cup of coffee, cuddling with our furry friends  or looking at the flowers in our garden. Reading in my gratitude journal, I notice how I tend to repeat the same things and over again. And yes, I am truly grateful for them but this question filled me with the desire to stretch my perceptive a little and maybe look a bit more inwardly. So I asked the tarot to show me three aspects in my life for which I am grateful: three joy’s which are sometimes a bit out of reach of my day to day experience. From the Wild Unknown Tarot I  pulled:
The wild unknown tarot The Moon Four of Swords Four of Wands

The Moon: I am grateful or each time I am brave enough to face my fears and do it anyway. The last few days  I have been making abstract art journal pages  and each time it became too “pretty” I used gesso to “mess it up “ again
Four of Swords:  I am grateful for each moment of peace and quiet in a day. They give me a sense of security and also trust that I can return to this place whenever I need it.
Four of Wands: I am grateful for the pauses in life which are meant to celebrate what I have achieved. Resting in the blue center  of gratitude before  being ignited by the fiery passion of the wands again


  1. Nice spread to dig beneath the usual answers of what we are grateful for! I spent a year doing a gratitude journal in which I didn't allow myself to write the same answer twice. It really stretched me to look beyond the obvious to what was often overlooked.

    1. I am going to try this too. It will make this practice much more interesting

  2. doing a gratitude journal is no easy task. Like most of life, we don't know how it will turn out until we get to the other end. Have faith in yourself and carry on.

    1. I will Sharyn, thank you! :)
      The challenge for me is to be also grateful for the not so obvious

  3. I focused on the illumination in each card. The Moon, The Third Eye, The Lighted Gateway of the Prism. I have said it before Gratitude is The Abracadabra of Life.

    1. Thank you for making that connection between these cards!

  4. Lovely Reading. I noticed the two fours, which could lead you to be grateful for the balance in your life - from the unknown, the pause, and to the celebration. Just a thought. :)

    1. Thanks Cher and there we have balance again!

  5. There's a bit of me that likes that the things I'm most grateful for are often the same/similar. For example, playing a particular game with my Little One, or Big Boy getting a fit of the giggles. I read something that suggested describing in more detail the exact experience and why it makes you grateful. That way, although the basics are the same, the depths will be different, because every moment in life is a bit different... :D

    1. Thansk you Chloe. "describing in more detail " is exactly what S was sugesting me too. I am going to give it a try
