Thursday, May 15, 2014

Warrior Ten – The great Task

For today I've drawn Warrior Ten, the equivalent of the Ten of Wands. After  three Major Arcana Cards finally I've got one from the Minor Arcana and here we can see they have a short phrase to clarify the meaning of the card. Usually I read the Ten of wands as a warning about getting burned out,  or as a sign I am almost done but here the emphasis is put on responsibility and the dedication to bring the task to an end.

As we see in the picture there is a large figure who is bridging the physical and the spiritual realm. The Sidhe and the humans meet in the middle and greet one another. Without the sacrifice of this creature this would never have been possible. It feels a bit like the crucifixion of Christ:

“Who thinks of the sacrifice as they cross?
Who weeps for knowledge of  the bridge’s  loss?
He knows the task is worth the pain,
His suffering is for the greater gain….”

I cannot help but wonder about the three previous cards I've drawn from this deck and how they tell a very familiar story together:
Emperor – Creation of the world. Justice – perfect balance. Pan – people do as they please and last but not least this card. How strange to read a biblical motif in a Sidhe tarot deck. Then again  it shows how universal this theme of sacrifice for the greater good of all actually is. 


  1. I think some sacrifices are for the greater good, because they benefit everyone. Otherwise, it is just a martyr who has become a doormat to try and make others like or appreciate him/her. This card really illustrates the positive side of sacrifice well!

    1. When a sacrifice is made out of love there can be no hidden agenda.
      I think we have to be aware of our own limitations in how far we can go with our sacrifice.
      Anyway I wouldn't want to lose myself in the process; I am not that altruistic :D

  2. Beautiful! as is this deck, I've been waiting for it to arrive for over 2 months now and am still waiting. Seeing this beautiful post has now made me impatient. Blessed be and thank you for sharing xo

    1. Waiting for so long can be awful. But I can assure you this deck is worth waiting for. It is so much more beautiful than the scans!
      Please let me know what your first impressions are when you receive it :)

  3. I have this deck and it's my first deck,as it was given to me. But I have no idea what any of the cards mean. Does anyone know where I can find any information or a reference to the meanings of these cards? Please and thank you and Blessed be ❤

    1. Hi Amanda, There should be an accompanying guidebook with the deck. I f you don;t have it maybe you could ask the publisher for a replacement. For a first deck it is rather complicated. Maybe you could purchase a standard Rider Waite deck and start from there. There are lots of resources to be found online about that deck
      Good luck!
