Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Assertiveness - Be true to yourself

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue Assertiveness
My daily draw for today is Assertiveness from The Magical Messages from the Fairies by Doreen Virtue. We see a fairy freeing herself from the boundaries of a tree. She is showing us her true self. And she should, because she is gorgeous, radiant and unique as we are all. It is not so strange I've pulled this card today because on various blogs I've been reading about standing up for yourself and reclaiming your own power.
The caption says: “Stand up for your beliefs, and only say yes if you really want to”.
My previous post about Green Tara has touched this issue slightly.
Being assertive is not the same as being aggressive; it is merely stating your believes and opinions. When you start out with ”I….” nobody should be offended or hurt because it is your opinion which is as valid as everybody else's.
"Assertiveness, honours everyone's rights (including your own)...:  Speak your truth with love; and let go of unhealthy, old communication habits"
Assertiveness is all about being open and lowering your shield; showing the world who you truly are. You don’t have to apologize or feel guilty for who you are. You are worth it to be heard and to be seen.
"Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”― Dr. Seuss,


  1. I like the light emanating from her chest, as if this assertiveness is fueled by her heart rather than her head. For me it is important to know whether I just want my opinions to be "right" or if I truly need to stand up for my beliefs so they don't get stomped on.

    1. I guess this too is a matter of finding balance. For me the main challenge is to express/ share my thoughts and feelings instead of holding everything for myself.

  2. I like what you say here. You should not be insecure about saying what you feel or believe.

    As an aside, I saw some samples of Doreen's new tarot on Amazon. We were talking about it coming out some time ago, remember? Not sure what I think. It is very much set up like her oracles with different style artwork and affirmations covering a third of the card. Here's the link. What do you think?


    I prefer it to the last one, but am not sure I will get it.

    1. I don't like it at all. It has a bit of a Victorian feel with all the chubby little cherubs, the pink and the lace ribbons Much like devotional pictures. I think I will stick to her first tarot deck. This one is not for me.:D

  3. It's not for me either, but it feels less 'odd' than that last manipulated copy and paste deck (even though this looks like existing art cut and pasted about too). I dislike the lack of consistency in the artwork of her decks. If they stuck to one source, I think they'd each have a stronger voice.

    This is very twee. I agree that the Angel Tarot is the best. Unfortunately, the whole tarot thing-seems to be stretched out very thinly by Hay House. You'd hope the decks would get better, not worse. I guess it has just become a money-making exercise. From what I have seen and read, Doreen is credible. Unfortunately, these kind of things would lead people to believe otherwise, which is a shame :( She'll probably be slaughtered by the online forums for the bumph on the back of the box.

    1. I liked the written parts of the cards the most :D

  4. good job. I wonder if women will always have to learn this lesson?

    1. Thanks, and I'll guess they have to hear it longtime before they will really get it :)

  5. So nice… I think for those of us who are shy and introverted, assertiveness can often feel like aggressiveness at first. But it's so important to understand that difference, and allow yourself to be seen, and your needs to be met. I think I'll be getting a DV deck sometime soon!! ;-)

    1. Hi Olivia! Like all thing this too needs practice
      Who knows you might like it. Some days I just need the gentleness of such a deck
