Thursday, April 5, 2018

Two of Wands - Trust, have a little bit of faith and relax.

Joie de vivre Tarot Two of Wands Paulina Cassidy blog blogger
Today's card is the Two of Wands from the Joie the Vivre Tarot.  A sunny and joyful card on a rainy April day. The question I asked myself to draw a card with was: How can I nurture myself today?
This card is about reflection on where you've come from, listening to your intuition so you will know where to go from here and imagining and preparing for your future. Outwardly, it might seem like we're are doing nothing worthwhile but on the inside, a lot is going on.  The challenge of this card is to find a balance between being active and letting our ideas and intentions having a life of their own: about not striving and clinging to the desired outcome too much.
Since I like to be in control almost all of the time, I like to know exactly where my life is heading, what obstacles I might expect on the way and how long it will take me to go from A to Z without any detours. Yes, I know life doesn't work this way but like many of us, I often live by the illusion that is does.
Today this card is telling me to ease up, to let go of my expectations and to trust that God or the Universe will respond to what I have put out there in a loving generous and wonderful way ( so much better than to expect gloom and doom because I don't like to be disappointed  :))
Taking care of myself today might be about learning to have a bit more trust and faith in this Loving Energy.


  1. I like the crescent moon on one of the staffs. It does suggest waiting until things are 'full' and ready before forcing any action to happen. I can relate to wanting to bulldoze things into place though! :D

    1. Yes the sun and the moon do represent the opposite sides of this energetic balancing act.

  2. Sometimes we all need a road map, how else will we find that road to the right that we took that wasn't planned when Live places a detour sign.

    1. Love the notion of detour signs along our way: taking the long way home can be so much more interesting :)

  3. It's funny, I'd never thought of this card as being about imagining and preparing for your future. Puts a very different spin on it, for me. I'd always seen it as a choices card - do you choose to stick with what you know and have, or do you choose to expand your perspectives. Of course, the two can go together - it is through imagination and preparation that you are able to expand your horizons! Makes me think about how in hypnotherapy we have people imagine what they want to achieve, to help their unconscious mind to then make it happen... :)

    1. I always picture this card as a doorway to new opportunities. And a door is always about a choice. To go through it or stay where you are or... chose a different dor all together.

    2. Yep, sometimes a different door is definitely the way to go :D
