Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Full Moon in April

For this full moon I have pulled three cards from my Original Rider Waite Tarot. Even though I have so many other beautiful decks, I seem to be in totally love with this deck all over again. Of course it has been my one of my favorite tarot decks all along but nowadays I read with no other deck than this one. Maybe it is only a springtime infatuation but I will enjoy it while it lasts.
Original Rider Waite Tarot Two of Wands Queen of Wands Nine of Pentacles
I have asked my deck three questions:
What is crystal clear? Two of Wands – It is time to pick a Wand, to make a choice. Don’t feel pressured to go for the easy option. The options are many. The world is in the palm of our hands. So maybe it is also time to leave my comfort zone.
What am I grateful for? Queen of Wands – although it doesn’t  always show, I know that beneath my fear of failure and my insecurity lives a passionate and creative woman who is eager to get up from her throne and is ready for some action.
What do I need to let go of when the moon starts to wane? Nine of Pentacles – This is one of my favorite cards in the deck. And just like with The Hermit, I am too much attached to this secluded inward energy. But  there is no need to break down the wall. Perhaps I will look for the gate of her garden so I can (again) leave my comfort zone. I noticed she is looking to her bird instead of to the city in the back ground. And her bird doesn’t bring her much new from the outside world either because he is blindfolded.

Together the cards all seem to convey one clear message: leave you comfort zone and live a little! Easier said than done but the fact I read it in these cards is promising. I don’t have to jump from the castle tower. I can take also the stairs J


  1. I got the 9 of Pentacles too for "obstacles" or "things to let go of" in the Gaian Tarot deck. The suggested direction was the 3 of Pentacles. Sharing, caring, socializing. :) Quite clear but you are telling the truth of the comfort zone! It is difficult to leave it. Lots of love.

    1. Thank you Anniina! Yes, Our comfort zone isn't so cozy for nothing but perhaps it has outlasted it purpose and it is time to leave the nest (scary!!)
      Lots of love to you too!!

  2. I have my director's hat on and a clapperboard in hand, ready to yell "Action!" :D
    I know some folks don't care for the RWS, but it has always read effortlessly for me.

    1. I would love to see you like that :D thank you for your support!!
      For me too. The images are so ingrained in me an hold so many layers of meaning after many years of working with this deck exclusively. Only after I got online, I realized there where many more decks out there, which now I really enjoy working with too. However the RWS is and will always be my special deck

  3. I think the Queen is trying to decide work or play. As she glances to her left I think she has chosen to leave the work behind and go spend time in her garden. So leave your comfort zone(home) and get outside.

    1. You know me well Carolyn! Spending time outside is definitely out of my comfort zone :D

  4. I think I've had about every version of the original except the Pam ABC or D original. I've let them all go. I wonder how many decks I've had over the years. Maybe the only consistent with me is ruthlessness. Your posts often ground me thank you

    1. You're welcome my dear! I am very clingy to my decks; must be the acquisitive Taurus in me, who can't let go of any of her stuff :) I even keep the ones I never read with.You never know if my preference might change some day...

  5. Looks a balanced set of cards - step out, create, relax and then repeat :)

    1. Ah, that sounds like a perfect routine to me :)

  6. Such a sweet and funny post, Ellen! Yes, just open the garden gate a little, or maybe even chat to a neighbour over the fence. You don't have to go charging off to a rave, find what stretches you enough to be fun, without being too much :)

    1. Thanks Chloe! I am glad my fences are too high to chat over to our neighbors but I did go out with M today to do some shopping in town :)

  7. Great interpretation and imagery and I can certainly relate! I also love the 9 of Pentacles. 💚🦋🌈🌹🕊

    1. Thank you so much Hannah and also for stopping by! :D

  8. My pleasure...sorry I don't comment more often. Hugs and have a lovely day.

    1. O, don't be sorry! You are always welcome but never feel pressured to comment

  9. I love your take on the 9 of Pentacles: finding a gate that can be opened and closed. I suppose I struggle with similar things - the preference for being alone. And so I've been working on ways to integrate myself more into "community" which admittedly is a lot like learning to ride a bike without training wheels! You've had quite a bit of fire in your readings of late, eh?? :)

    1. Yes the tarot tossing those sticks around where ever they can LOL
      I take baby steps and I use training wheels :D
      We will get there sooner or later :D
