Saturday, March 22, 2014

Temperance - Taking the middle way

Original Rider Waite Tarot
It won’t be a surprise to you all that I've chosen the Original Rider Waite Tarot to pull my daily card from. And for today I've got Temperance: The beautiful calm and serene angel who is standing with one foot in the water and the other one on the land. This card always reminds me of the Star card. Only while the woman from the Star is emptying her jugs completely, the angel of Temperance is pouring the  liquid from one cup into the other. There is a sense of caution in this card  as if the angel is afraid to spill a drop and also as if he or she is testing the waters before walking in. The Fool which I've pulled yesterday would have jumped in right away. Perhaps this card is telling me besides to be spontaneous and carefree, it is also wise to remain prudent. Not to act without a second thought of the consequences. This was the message from the Stag (Wildwood Tarot). As I come to think it, this card is making a perfect blend between the playful childlike energy of The Fool and the responsibility of the Stag. I just love it when my readings fit together. 


  1. I love the Temperance card; it always reminds me I don't have to choose one cup. I can mix a little of one with the other. It took me years to see the path BETWEEN the two mountains (heading toward the crown) in the background, which now always makes me think of Buddha's Middle Way.

    1. This card reminds me of my children playing in the sea pouring water from on cup or bucket into the other . They could be at it for hours, so to speak. The sound of the running water is so calming and cooling whiles running over your hands. We should be obligated to do this for five minutes before making any decision.
      Why is is so difficult to walk the middle way? It should be the most natural choice

  2. This morning, and after your cards yesterday, all that comes to my mind is blending all the pieces or your approaches to your new adventure. Carefully or I guess you could say moderately. The goal is to get to that Sun.

    1. Hi Carol,Yes it is a beautiful path to walk towards that sun. It looks like a crown to me, a kind of reward perhaps or Nirvana when you've walked the middle way, Sycamore was talking about
